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Monday, May 14, 2018

Slow Morning...

It's a ho-hum morning so far.  We have to go shopping in a bit.  The warm weather is here to stay & you can tell it.  We're slowly making the shift.  Soon, we'll be griping about the heat instead of the cold.  Never happy for long.

I've been chatting online to some people who use PrEP & noticed a disturbing trend.  Few have every been tested for any STI, let alone HIV.   Screening for these is supposed to happen prior to taking PrEP & regularly during use.  If the person is already +, then it's too late for PrEP.  Continual testing helps ensures the patient knows as soon as possible if PrEP failed or they seroconverted to +.  This also aids in preventing the virus from developing further resistance to the  medications in PrEP.  

This may also count for why there has been a surge in other forms of STI's.  Some of which are becoming resistant.   Curious, I went online & only managed to find a handful of references to doctors not screening before prescribing PrEP.   It would seem there are no good numbers on this issue at the time.  That is a very, serious problem. 


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