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Thursday, May 10, 2018

A Few Of Interest...

I came across some articles today.  They were mostly briefs, but the sentiment was the same.   Even though medically, this is the best time to be living with HIV, it's also still the worse.  Nothing's gotten worse, it's just something has never changed. Stigma.  

Around the US & the globe, people are avoiding testing, treatment & support due to stigma.  Many face it from every facet of their life.  They fear losing their families, jobs, homes, friends, etc...  So they opt to stay quiet.   For them to seek treatment. 1st they have to be tested & they resist out of fear.

Even if these people get the same doctors & meds, they won't have the same life expectancy.  In order to keep their secret, they often fail their regimens.   Even if they do, the constant worry of being outed takes a toll on their health.  

30+ years & we're still fighting HIV.  The main reason is now & has always been, stigma.  From the  beginning, people have refused to get involved.  People HIV & those who are +.   The problem is fear  & hate can only be treated by communicating.  Too bad they cut most the outreach funds & have mostly replaced education with just treatment.  Treatment as prevention may somewhat work for the virus, but it does nothing for the stigma.


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