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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Slightly Yuck Morning...

This morning has been sticky & grey.  There's a lot of cloud cover.  I didn't wake up well.  None of us are used to the temperature shifts that come with Summer.    I know Summer is still a month off, but once you've hit 90,  I say Spring is over.  Oklahoma doesn't really do Fall & Spring well anymore.

The fight with fire ants is ongoing.  The mounds are lessening, but still there.  Hopefully, I'll have them mostly dealt with before the serious heat of the season.    I hate having a yard bigger than a walkway/patio.  

Not much else going on this morning.  Other than, I'm hoping my neighbor moves soon.  She & her former roommate are being irritating with all their noise & constant yard work. That'll be it for now. 


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