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Friday, May 11, 2018

Another Friday In May...

Nothing much going on today.  I've got to run over ot Fort Smith in a bit to pick up my roomie.   I need to check on some things while I'm there.   I've got stuff to do here before I go, so this will be short.  

I'm trying not to pay too much attention to the news.  Every time I see that Cheeto in charge he's up to something mean-hearted & stupid.    His current actions are sending gas prices up.  He's such a dick.

That's about it for now. I'm post more tomorrow. Take care.


PS -  We had a visitor yesterday.  I've known he was about for a few years, but I've never seen him.  I just found his skin.   When we got back from shopping yesterday there he was crossing our drive.  He's a nearly 4' long black snake.  The neighbor sprayed earlier, so he probably came over to get away from that.  I hope he stays close & eats lots of mice.

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