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Monday, May 21, 2018

Not A Great Start...

Mornings & I have a mutual hate of each other.  Occasionally, I'll have a good morning.  Sometimes even a really good morning.  Those are so rare, they're practically things of legend, like unicorns.   

Most of my mornings are hellish events where I either wake in a total drear induced funk or I'm bouncing off the wall with stress & anxiety.  On those mornings it's a tie for for huddling in the corner, just trying to breath & going on a murderous, rampage.  These events can last minutes to an hour.  Either way, I'm usually left exhausted.   

I hate mornings.

If you look up morning stress or anxiety, you'll find a lot of hits, mostly of the useless, pop-psychology vein.  You might see a reference to cortisol awakening response.  How your body releases an abundance of the stress hormone, cortisol, when you wake.  Some people, get enough for an elephant.  There's a lot of alleged reasons & slightly weird attempts to explain why some people have more than others.

If you're always stressed, in pain, eat poorly, sleep badly, drink, smoke, etc.. you're allegedly more prone to the  response.  Funny, how those are the things doctors always point to as the cause for everything.  Surely, they're not pushing some propagandized, rhetoric agenga.

What do these articles prescribe?  Eat better, meditate, sleep better, exercise, therapy, listen to music, be grateful, self-reward, develop a healthy morning routine.  More of the same old BS & with contemplating your naval thrown in for good measure.  Of course, there's always medications.  Funny, how they're always so pro-drugs, when it's their drugs.

I'm left to figure out how to survive mornings.  How to get through those hellish minutes after I wake.  I hate mornings.  If there was a button you could push & it would destroy the world, there are a lot of mornings I'd probably push it.

BTW, did I mention how I feel about mornings?


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