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Sunday, May 20, 2018


  • Because people refuse to educate children about sex & STD's
  • Because sex-ed has been nearly eradicated
  • Because AIDS awareness funds have been slashed
  • Because people are so indulged they won't use condoms
  • Because of greedy corporations, politicians & lobbyist
  • Because they push treatment as prevention
  • Because of novelty & trend
Because of all these things & more the FDA has approved the use of PrEP in teens.  Instead of dealing with any of those things above, our society has decided it's best just to give them a pill that has serious consequences, makes big pharma companies billions & enriches political movements.    PrEP is not the answer.

There are countless articles about long term use of HIV meds.  There is a lot of maintenance in using PrEP.  A lot of adults can't deal with taking these meds regularly, now they teens can handle it.  These regimens can be difficult on people.  Who's paying for it?    Why pay for it when condoms are so much cheaper, have less side-effects & protect against many other STD's & pregnancy?

Because this is about $$$ & very little else. Condoms don't make companies like Gilead revenue.   HIV is s huge cash cow & they're never letting go of it.  IMO, if you allow your teen on PrEP instead of encouraging condoms, you're failing as a parent.


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