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Monday, May 28, 2018

Not A Great Morning....

I woke up tired, sore & anxious.  I planned on going to bed earlier last night, but that didn't happen.  About the time I was heading off to my room, the electricity went out.   There went the fans to deal with the overnight humidity.  I looked outside & the power company was already at the pole.  They'd caused the outage, to replace a transformer.  It only affected 6 houses, but they couldn't be bothered to knock & warn people.  It didn't last long, but it was time I could've been asleep.

During this, my roomie told me her phone has "no service."  When the lights came back on, I called ATT.   They tried to reset the phone.  It didn't work.  They think the sim card is dead.  They're supposed provide a replacement.   Hopefully, the ATT store will be open today or that will have to wait until tomorrow.  Here's hoping I don't have to completely replace it.  I'm sure my roomie's sort of hoping that's the case.  She has no love for these phones.  

I'll find out in a bit, what will happen to the phone.  Then I have to go shopping.   This was not a good night.


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