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Sunday, May 13, 2018

A Quiet Morning...

I woke to a rarity.  It's a nice sunny morning & the weather is pleasant so far.    Most importantly, it's quiet.  No mowers, no barking dogs, no screaming children, etc...  I don't remember the last quiet morning here.  It's nice.  I hope it holds out a least until I'm completely around.    

Noise levels are relative, but I like a fairly quiet homelife.  I grew up with too much  noise.  I've been watching Youtube videos about Indian barbers doing massages.  They're interesting, but some of their shops are busy roads & the street noise is near deafening.  I couldn't handle that for long.

Here I sit, looking out my window at bees dancing over white clover flowers.  There's a light breeze. A small squirrel is scampering between trees.   It is a  pleasant morning.  I needed this.


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