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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Return Of The Gloom...

It's been a hard morning getting around.  It's dreary & muggy.  It should've just rained, but it didn't.  

This is the last day of May.   It's been fairly even keeled, nothing too this or too that. We will be shy by an inch of our rain totals, which won't help anything.  It's probably going to be another fire prone Summer.  

The day is underway.  The trash truck has been & gone.  That's about all I have on this last day of the month.

Until next year May.


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

DIdn't Post...

Not sure what happened, but I didn't post this morning. I was looking for articles & must've got distracted.  I didn't find any items worth writing about.  

It's warming up quite a bit here.  I'm not happy about that.  I'm tired of living in a place without a real Spring or Autumn.  All we get now are abbreviated versions of those seasons.   Here's  3 weeks of Fallish or Springish weather, now onto the next extreme season.  

That's it for now.  More tomorrow.


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

So Far...

So far this morning is going alright.  Nothing big & I can live with that.  I don't need all the highs & lows.  

My roomie's phone just needed a new sim card.  They replaced it & the phone works.   I'm glad.  We'll eventually have to replace these phones.  Still, I'd rather do it, because we chose to than we were forced to for whatever reason.  We find ourselves in that position far too often.

The last Tuesday of May is a nothing day & I'm fine with that.  May hasn't been a bad month.  It's been fairly neutral.  Which beats horrible any day.  Doesn't look like we'll make our monthly rain totals, but we hardly do any more.  Maybe June will be wetter.


Monday, May 28, 2018

Not A Great Morning....

I woke up tired, sore & anxious.  I planned on going to bed earlier last night, but that didn't happen.  About the time I was heading off to my room, the electricity went out.   There went the fans to deal with the overnight humidity.  I looked outside & the power company was already at the pole.  They'd caused the outage, to replace a transformer.  It only affected 6 houses, but they couldn't be bothered to knock & warn people.  It didn't last long, but it was time I could've been asleep.

During this, my roomie told me her phone has "no service."  When the lights came back on, I called ATT.   They tried to reset the phone.  It didn't work.  They think the sim card is dead.  They're supposed provide a replacement.   Hopefully, the ATT store will be open today or that will have to wait until tomorrow.  Here's hoping I don't have to completely replace it.  I'm sure my roomie's sort of hoping that's the case.  She has no love for these phones.  

I'll find out in a bit, what will happen to the phone.  Then I have to go shopping.   This was not a good night.


Sunday, May 27, 2018

Quiet For Now...

It could get too warm, muggy, loud or dreary later in the day.   For now, it's pleasant & quiet.  I can hear a few birds singing & I see some squirrels running over the chain link fence, that's about it.  It's a nice, shiny morning.  That may change, but this is what I have now. 

I really like the mornings when I wake up well.  That's easier to do as the light levels increase.   For now, it's a pretty decent morning.


Saturday, May 26, 2018

No Love This Morning...

I have absolutely nothing good to say about my neighbor this morning.  I hope her house sells soon.  I'm over her & her addiction to lawn care.   She's a mow-junkie.  Every 3 days she mows, trims, leaf blows, burns, etc.. I hate the noise, smoke & allergens she sets off in the air.   This morning was worse, she had her ex-roommate, lover, GBF over & they tag teamed it.  You'd think that'd make it go faster, but somehow it didn't.  

I dream of them meeting their ends via yard tools.  


Friday, May 25, 2018

2 Things This Morning...

2 things.

The blog syndication service I use, is closing.  The other services I found are either pay-for or meant for bigger/business types.  I'll be losing that.  If you follow this blog, please bookmark it or something.   Thanks.

Next, I am in worse shape than I thought.  Up until  last year, I could vacuum the whole house.  I'd be exhausted, but I could do it.  I barely got the front room done, before calling it quits this morning.  I'm spent.

I still have some things to do before I head over to pick up my roomie in Fort Smith.  This will be it for now.  Until tomorrow.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

No Faith...

I have no faith in the idea of a cure for HIV.  I think there will be alterations & even improvements in treatment of the virus.  Still, I doubt there will ever be a cure.  Why?

That's easy!

It's unlikely there will ever be enough $ in a cure to make it a salable approach to big pharmaceutical companies.  HIV is a huge cash cow for these corporations, they will never willingly give it up.  And, multiple sources are helping them keep the game going.

Governments will fund HIV meds, but not any type education of sex that would include education regarding HIV.  Many governments will fund PrEP, but not condoms.  They argue that condoms could lead to sex.   Groups push treatment as prevention. Churches keep touting the sin of HIV & increasing its stigma.   Many bloggers & writers downplay the seriousness of the illness.  Many doctors won't even test for HIV. 

Those are just a few of the ways groups are promoting HIV & therefore aiding big drug companies like Gilead.   The promotion of HIV in modern society is systemic & insidious. Actions of our social institutions themselves actually promote the spread of HIV.  Actions that aren't directly opposing this virus are detrimental in the fight against HIV.  

Let's be blunt.  Your government, your schools, your media, your churches, your economic institutions, many of your peer groups are supporting the spread of HIV.  It may not be intentional or even a massive effort, but they are still complicit when they don't actively stand against this virus.  These groups are part of the spread of HIV & funding these drug companies.

They could just as easily be part of the fight against HIV if they choose to be.  Why aren't they?  $$$, fear anger, hate, arrogance, indifference...


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Flashing Lights In The Morning...

We have some older neighbors.  Both are in their 80's & have health issues.  He's worse off in that regard.  He can barely walk & has to go for medical attention a couple of times per week.  Ambulances have been a common sight for the last few years.  1 shows up at least every few months & the intervals are shortening to weeks.  

There was an ambulance this morning.  Of course, that means a police escort.  Here, when you get a cop, you get a half dozen.  A single, no serious event traffic stop can require every officer in town for some reason.   

I woke to an ambulance with flashing lights, 3 cruisers & a police SUV.  They were all flashing & chirping, at least the sirens weren't going.  They woke me a little before 7.

They were here until a ways after 8.  A couple of more cars arrived, maybe family.   The other neighbors were outside gawking.  I stayed in my bed, hoping they'd all go away.  They did eventually, but by then I was awake.

I didn't see them take the man, but it's just a matter of time.  He's bone thin & bedridden these days.  It would seems he needs hospice care more than a doctor visit.  I  hope they're making him as comfortable as possible.

That's been my morning.  It could've been worse.  I could be having that man's morning.

Take care.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

More Love Hate...

I have a love/hate for grass & neighbors.  I love grass because it attracts & helps feed the animals in my area.   I'm partial to having neighbors after being here without any.  When there were no neighbors this area was sort of creepy & ghost-townish.

But, why does it have to be feast or famine with these things.  Because I have grass, I have bugs.  More importantly, because I have neighbors, I have a near endless amounts of noise.   Nearly non-stop clanking, mowing, yelling, barking, talking so loud on cell phones I can hear them in my house.  

My neighborhood is either an echo-chamber or some hellish cacophony.   Why is it always the extremes?  Why is it that someone is mowing/weeding/sawing/burning every day of the warmer seasons &  nearly half of the cold?  What is it about quiet these people fear/hate?

Rant over for now.


Monday, May 21, 2018

Not A Great Start...

Mornings & I have a mutual hate of each other.  Occasionally, I'll have a good morning.  Sometimes even a really good morning.  Those are so rare, they're practically things of legend, like unicorns.   

Most of my mornings are hellish events where I either wake in a total drear induced funk or I'm bouncing off the wall with stress & anxiety.  On those mornings it's a tie for for huddling in the corner, just trying to breath & going on a murderous, rampage.  These events can last minutes to an hour.  Either way, I'm usually left exhausted.   

I hate mornings.

If you look up morning stress or anxiety, you'll find a lot of hits, mostly of the useless, pop-psychology vein.  You might see a reference to cortisol awakening response.  How your body releases an abundance of the stress hormone, cortisol, when you wake.  Some people, get enough for an elephant.  There's a lot of alleged reasons & slightly weird attempts to explain why some people have more than others.

If you're always stressed, in pain, eat poorly, sleep badly, drink, smoke, etc.. you're allegedly more prone to the  response.  Funny, how those are the things doctors always point to as the cause for everything.  Surely, they're not pushing some propagandized, rhetoric agenga.

What do these articles prescribe?  Eat better, meditate, sleep better, exercise, therapy, listen to music, be grateful, self-reward, develop a healthy morning routine.  More of the same old BS & with contemplating your naval thrown in for good measure.  Of course, there's always medications.  Funny, how they're always so pro-drugs, when it's their drugs.

I'm left to figure out how to survive mornings.  How to get through those hellish minutes after I wake.  I hate mornings.  If there was a button you could push & it would destroy the world, there are a lot of mornings I'd probably push it.

BTW, did I mention how I feel about mornings?


Sunday, May 20, 2018


  • Because people refuse to educate children about sex & STD's
  • Because sex-ed has been nearly eradicated
  • Because AIDS awareness funds have been slashed
  • Because people are so indulged they won't use condoms
  • Because of greedy corporations, politicians & lobbyist
  • Because they push treatment as prevention
  • Because of novelty & trend
Because of all these things & more the FDA has approved the use of PrEP in teens.  Instead of dealing with any of those things above, our society has decided it's best just to give them a pill that has serious consequences, makes big pharma companies billions & enriches political movements.    PrEP is not the answer.

There are countless articles about long term use of HIV meds.  There is a lot of maintenance in using PrEP.  A lot of adults can't deal with taking these meds regularly, now they teens can handle it.  These regimens can be difficult on people.  Who's paying for it?    Why pay for it when condoms are so much cheaper, have less side-effects & protect against many other STD's & pregnancy?

Because this is about $$$ & very little else. Condoms don't make companies like Gilead revenue.   HIV is s huge cash cow & they're never letting go of it.  IMO, if you allow your teen on PrEP instead of encouraging condoms, you're failing as a parent.


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Slightly Yuck Morning...

This morning has been sticky & grey.  There's a lot of cloud cover.  I didn't wake up well.  None of us are used to the temperature shifts that come with Summer.    I know Summer is still a month off, but once you've hit 90,  I say Spring is over.  Oklahoma doesn't really do Fall & Spring well anymore.

The fight with fire ants is ongoing.  The mounds are lessening, but still there.  Hopefully, I'll have them mostly dealt with before the serious heat of the season.    I hate having a yard bigger than a walkway/patio.  

Not much else going on this morning.  Other than, I'm hoping my neighbor moves soon.  She & her former roommate are being irritating with all their noise & constant yard work. That'll be it for now. 


Friday, May 18, 2018

What's What...

Everywhere in the news today are reports concerning Bill Gates & Donald Trump.   During an interview on MSNBC's, All In With Chris Hayes, Gates revealed at an earlier meeting Trump had to ask him the difference between HIV & HPV.    Trump had to ask twice.  

Not only did the president not know the difference between these 2 illnesses, he promptly forgot when it was explained to him.  Either the man just didn't care about the issues or he has a serious memory problem.  Considering him & his age, it be either or both.   No matter, any scenario with a sitting president not knowing the basics about these 2 widely public viruses is cause for concern.


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Unwanted Anniversary...

This day marks a full year without our Rowan being here.   I talk about this in this entry, Rowan Had Better Places To Be.   I miss her & her sister Rhiannon.   She was possibly the most social cat I'd ever had been part of my life.  Tinkerbell is still with us & Millie, aka Camilla, is newish to the house & is only a little past 2.  She's very much still kittenish.

Rowan you were treasured & adored.  You are still in our hearts & conversations. May your next life be a joyous, loving bounty.  Thank you for our time together.


PS - Please be kind to strays no matter how many legs they may or may not have.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Shiny Morning....

Woke to a sunny morning.  I'm having some trouble adjusting to how well & when I'm sleeping now, but I'll get there.  Lots of sun in the windows really impacts my mornings.  I wake with a lot less anxiety & stress.  I also fully wake much quicker than on overcast mornings, when it can take me forever to get past the early morning stares.   It's getting more humid, but there's always a catch.  That's Summer  in Oklahoma.

More later.


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Rainy Loud Night...

It stormed last night.  We needed the rain, but I don't think it had to be so loud.  It woke me & kept doing so for quite a while.   Depending on where you look, we've had somewhere between 1.5 - 2.8" so far.  So about 2" averaged.  Weather channel will probably tell me it didn't even rain.  We're still expecting more.    That's good this will only put us a little over 3" for the month & our average for May is just over 6".

That's about all for now.  A little wiped out from last night.  MOre tomorrow.


Monday, May 14, 2018

Slow Morning...

It's a ho-hum morning so far.  We have to go shopping in a bit.  The warm weather is here to stay & you can tell it.  We're slowly making the shift.  Soon, we'll be griping about the heat instead of the cold.  Never happy for long.

I've been chatting online to some people who use PrEP & noticed a disturbing trend.  Few have every been tested for any STI, let alone HIV.   Screening for these is supposed to happen prior to taking PrEP & regularly during use.  If the person is already +, then it's too late for PrEP.  Continual testing helps ensures the patient knows as soon as possible if PrEP failed or they seroconverted to +.  This also aids in preventing the virus from developing further resistance to the  medications in PrEP.  

This may also count for why there has been a surge in other forms of STI's.  Some of which are becoming resistant.   Curious, I went online & only managed to find a handful of references to doctors not screening before prescribing PrEP.   It would seem there are no good numbers on this issue at the time.  That is a very, serious problem. 


Sunday, May 13, 2018

A Quiet Morning...

I woke to a rarity.  It's a nice sunny morning & the weather is pleasant so far.    Most importantly, it's quiet.  No mowers, no barking dogs, no screaming children, etc...  I don't remember the last quiet morning here.  It's nice.  I hope it holds out a least until I'm completely around.    

Noise levels are relative, but I like a fairly quiet homelife.  I grew up with too much  noise.  I've been watching Youtube videos about Indian barbers doing massages.  They're interesting, but some of their shops are busy roads & the street noise is near deafening.  I couldn't handle that for long.

Here I sit, looking out my window at bees dancing over white clover flowers.  There's a light breeze. A small squirrel is scampering between trees.   It is a  pleasant morning.  I needed this.


Saturday, May 12, 2018

Rough Outing....

I have a mostly hate/hate relationship with Fort Smith, AR.  It should take me a little over 30 minutes to get there.  It's only 37 miles to the far side of town & most of the drive is highway at 65 mph.  Sometimes I can get to Fort Smith in about 25 minutes.   Other times, it can take over an hour, just because of idiots.  

Errands in Fort smith fall into 2 categories, boon or bust, with little in between.   And both can leave you exhausted.  Yesterday's errands should've been simple.  I should've been able to hit a single store & get out.   It wound up taking 3 stores, miles apart & a lot of walking/searching to find what I needed.  I finally did, but it was exhausting & frustrating.   At least we picked up food on the way & I didn't have to cook when we got home.

I'm still tired & my feet hate me.  But we have what we were after.  Fort Smith should be renamed  Annoying Fuckery.   If it's going to be that, it should least it could be pretty about it.  It can't even pull that off well.


Friday, May 11, 2018

Another Friday In May...

Nothing much going on today.  I've got to run over ot Fort Smith in a bit to pick up my roomie.   I need to check on some things while I'm there.   I've got stuff to do here before I go, so this will be short.  

I'm trying not to pay too much attention to the news.  Every time I see that Cheeto in charge he's up to something mean-hearted & stupid.    His current actions are sending gas prices up.  He's such a dick.

That's about it for now. I'm post more tomorrow. Take care.


PS -  We had a visitor yesterday.  I've known he was about for a few years, but I've never seen him.  I just found his skin.   When we got back from shopping yesterday there he was crossing our drive.  He's a nearly 4' long black snake.  The neighbor sprayed earlier, so he probably came over to get away from that.  I hope he stays close & eats lots of mice.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

A Few Of Interest...

I came across some articles today.  They were mostly briefs, but the sentiment was the same.   Even though medically, this is the best time to be living with HIV, it's also still the worse.  Nothing's gotten worse, it's just something has never changed. Stigma.  

Around the US & the globe, people are avoiding testing, treatment & support due to stigma.  Many face it from every facet of their life.  They fear losing their families, jobs, homes, friends, etc...  So they opt to stay quiet.   For them to seek treatment. 1st they have to be tested & they resist out of fear.

Even if these people get the same doctors & meds, they won't have the same life expectancy.  In order to keep their secret, they often fail their regimens.   Even if they do, the constant worry of being outed takes a toll on their health.  

30+ years & we're still fighting HIV.  The main reason is now & has always been, stigma.  From the  beginning, people have refused to get involved.  People HIV & those who are +.   The problem is fear  & hate can only be treated by communicating.  Too bad they cut most the outreach funds & have mostly replaced education with just treatment.  Treatment as prevention may somewhat work for the virus, but it does nothing for the stigma.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Another Yuck Wednesday Morning...

Thanks to Windows, I spent the better part of an hour trying to get 1 of their updates to  work.  It took several restarts of the installation process.   After that, it took 3 actual restarts of the computer to get it to fully load for some reason.  I've got a bunch of other stuff to catch up on now, so this is it for today.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Another Violation...

According to these 2 articles, 1 & 2,   A patient at University of Arkansas Medical School (UAMS) had their records exposed to the public by 4 people.  3 of which worked for UAMS.  The 1st violated privacy laws & revealed medial information about an HIV + patient to a coworker.   That coworker leaked the info to a party not affiliated with the hospital.  This person posted the records on Facebook.  A 3rd hospital employee knew of the matter, but said nothing to superiors.  All 3 were terminated & may be facing federal charges for violating the privacy laws associated with HIPAA.  Those papers you sign about your privacy everytime you go into the hospital or outpatient services.

I'm not sure why the active participants did this.  Could've been boredom or morbid curiosity.  Maybe they had a grudge against this patient.  All that matters is the person's privacy was violated in a way that can't be undone.  Whatever has happened, these criminals got what they were after & did their damage.   They should face severe punitive & monetary consequences.   Maybe losing $ & serving  time will teach them to mind their own business.

I doubt it, but they deserve it.   This patient has no reason to ever trust any medical establishment again.   This was a personal attack based on HIV stigma.  This was an assault on this person's life & well being.  There is no way these people didn't know what they did was illegal & unethical.  Another thing to worry about when seeking medical aid.  Just wonderful.


Monday, May 7, 2018

On The Go Morning...

Ok, we've got shopping, the remaining bills & some errands to handle this morning.  So, I need to get around.  There wasn't much in the way of articles.  The weather is warming up.  There was sunshine again this morning, yay!  I know, soon I will hate the heat, but I love what the light does for my mornings.  I'm still edgy, but nothing like when it's dreary.

That's all for now, take care.


Sunday, May 6, 2018


The warmer weather is here.  I'm mostly through dewinterizing.   I'm adjusting to the season.  I'm still getting used to it, especially when I sleep.   I definitely sleep differently from season to season.   Everything from covers on the bed, fans, to amount of sprawl.   I'll get there, just not quite yet. 

At least I woke to sunshine.


Saturday, May 5, 2018

Cinco & The 5th...

Not much going on this morning.  At least it's somewhat sunny.  That's a perk.   We don't have much planned.  We'll finish up with bill stuff on Monday.   

Today is Cinco de Mayo, the Revenge of the 5th or just May the 5th.  Take your choice or choose all 3.  It's sort of nice to have a couple of holidays to choose from.  They may not be Halloween, but they can still be fun.  Diversions are great.  Some people seriously need to find the fun.

That's all for now.


Friday, May 4, 2018

May The 4th Be With You...

Yes, it's Star Wars Day.   Some might not see it as a real holiday, but I think it's pretty wild that a bunch of fans managed to get this together.  It started in the late 70s as just a phrase & has gained steam ever since.  

This is the kind of holiday I can get behind, even if there is no cheap chocolate day after event.   There's no fuss, no pushiness, no stodgy dogma bringing it down into the mire like some other holidays.   No one's going around, Remember Anakin is the reason for the season."  At least not yet.

So have your fun.  Celebrate your fandom.  Continue your traditions.  Reach down into your Mandalorian roots, grab hold of that old Lasat self & cut loose.  May the Fourth be with you, for tomorrow is Revenge of The Fifth.


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Yucky Night...

Last night was the 1st in awhile I really didn't sleep well.  We're in the midst of the seasonal shift finally & the muggy weather is taking a bit for acclimation.  I'll get there, but last night wasn't fun. 

I heard everything.   It was supposed to storm.  We were even under a tornado watch for a while.  Neither happened.  I heard some wind & maybe some splattering of moisture, but the roads are dry this morning.  My sleep did not go according to plan.

Article land was a matter of inconsequential blahs & luke-warm rehash.   I hate to say it, but this may be all we see as long as that cheeto is in office.  Cheetos always make a mess.  That's why we can't have nice things.

That's it for now.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Bush Aftermath...

We dealt with the Spring cutting that needed to happen yesterday.  It was just a few wintering bushes.  Still, they did in our sinuses.  My eyes are watering & my nose is itching.  But, it's done.  

It's another gloomy morning.  It's supposed to rain over the next couple of days.   We'll see. It could, but it's as apt to just stay dreary & do nothing.

That's all for now.  I can barely see the screen.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Hello May & Windows...

The 1st day of May is here & it's no Sunfest.   It's gloomy & overcast. I hope that's not saying something for the rest of the month.   Still, hello May, try to be nice.

I woke up to the start of the new features update of WIndows.  Oh joy.  Who knows what this will screw up.  It's loading now.  I'm posting in case this goes sideways.

Hopefully, more tomorrow.
