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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Stigma, Fear & Belief...

For as long as people have known about HIV, they've feared it.   That terror led to bad decisions & reactions.  It caused a panic & created stigma around a health issue.  Instead of being treated like a virus, it was likened to a "holy plague" on the immoral & unworthy.  

Articles come out often about some religious zealot or scam artist promoting a religious approach to handling the illness.  From basic prayer to concoctions containing pesticides.  Some of these potions are just "blessed" water, others are bogus, while still some are poisonous.  All of them are highly dangerous, because these church & political efforts lead people away from actual medical treatment.  This will only lead to sickness, death & the further spread of HIV.

Laying on hands, prayer or holy ointments won't cure HIV.  Nothing currently known will.    Be aware, get tested & take your meds.   Education, testing & adherence to regimens are the things that are going to fight HIV.


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