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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Rain & Waiting...

It started raining again yesterday & it's supposed to continue throughout the day.  I am so seriously over grey skies.   Somehow during all this rain the tree pollen levels have soared.  So, add to allergy yuck until the pile of other seasonal crap going on at the moment.

I'm waiting to hear back from my doctor on what tests he may order for me.  He was out of the office when I stopped by & talked to his nurse yesterday.   It may later in the day or even tomorrow before I hear anything.  

I've seen daffodils when I've been out.   The tulips & lilies are pushing their greenery up.   Several of the flowering bushes are budding out & turning green.   I'm seeing little blue flowers, clover & wild onions.  Spring is on it's way.    Here comes more rains, thunderstorms, pollen & the random tornado.  Yippie!

Aren't I just a happy camper this morning?  


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