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Monday, February 26, 2018

Appointments On The Last Monday...

OK, it's earlier than I'd like to be up on this last February Monday.   But, I have to be at an doctor's appointment shortly.  As I said yesterday, I have no idea what to expect from this meeting.   Just in case I'm not up to posting later, I'll do it now. 

At least it's a sunny day.  Too bad the rains might return midweek.   I wish I could say I was doing better, but my nerves & sleep are still way off & probably will be for quite some time.  

I have this today, my roomie has something tomorrow & Friday.  That leaves shopping & early bills on Thursday.  That's a lot for us in a week & last week was busy as well.  I'm definitely not used to this much getting about.   It's tiring.

More tomorrow.


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