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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Fairly Brief...

My schedule is off, shopping has to get handled this morning, because I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning.   I have no idea how that will go.   A lot of things have run through my mind.  Anything from it's nothing, to something is seriously wrong with me, to my doctor thinks I'm just complaining & gets upset with me.   I hate dealing with my head sometimes.  

At least it's not raining.  It's actually bright.  It's chilly, but supposed to warm up some.  Depending on where you look our rain totals were somewhere between 3.5 - 6.25.  I'm leaning toward the latter.  It could  be a downpour & would report were having a dry day.   Weather Underground tends to initially report high & then average out the next day.  I trust their reports more.

It's day 10 out from sending the CDR back in.  I'm very anxious.  I hate waiting for the shoe to drop.  This review is going to drive me nuts


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