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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Labs, Calendars & Flighty People...

My labs are slowly showing up on the hospital portal.  The TB test hasn't come back yet.  I'll probably have to get a chest X-Ray.   The numbers looks good, but I'm still dealing with a lot of exhaustion & fatigue.  It may just be part of dealing with HIV & some meds.   For now, I'm alright with where I'm at.  My telemedicine appointment is next Wednesday the 21st.   It's on the calendar.

Speaking of calendars, they're awesome things.  They can keep track  of all sorts of things in you life, like appointments, anniversaries, events, etc.... But they only work if you actually use them.  You have to keep them updated & actually look at them quite frequently.   If not, a calendar will be of no use to you.   That will be on you, not the calendar.  It's just a handy tool, it can't do the job for you,

The mini-speech on calendars was due to a lot of people's inability to use them well.   My household's schedule is often being thrown into a bit of disarray by some outside person's inability to organize their life.   Let's get this straight, you're inability or refusal to get your life together, doesn't make your issue an emergency for me/us.  Learn the 5 P's, "Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance."  There are variations of that, but they get to the same point.  Get you sh*t together & stop making others clean up your mess.


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