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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Ongoing Appointments...

Yesterday's appointments are over.  The morning X-Ray went fine.  I dropped off a letter covering my current state of health to my primary care doctor.  He may or may not move my next appointment with him up a bit.  

The afternoon eye appointment itself was fine for me, less so for my roomie.   She was poked & prodded more than me.   But the drive was horrendous.  It was a heavy downpour over to Fort Smith with slippery roads & hydroplaning.   It was torrential on the way home.  A half drive took over an hour at 40 - 45 mph.  We were glad to be home.  That drive was fairly unnerving.

I have to head out here in a bit for my telemedicine appointment.  This is all for now.   Hopefully, the rain will lighten while I'm out.  It rained somewhere between 2.25 - 2.75 inches yesterday.  They're already saying we've had nearly half an inch since midnight.  There will be flooding.

More later.


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