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Thursday, February 8, 2018


According to these articles, 1 & 2, the FDA has granted Gilead the go ahead with a new once daily regimen.  It will be called, Biktarvy.  Sounds like a German version of the  1960's show, Daktari.  It is very similar to the Descovy, which is basically an altered form of Truvada.   It has Bictegravir as an added component.  I couldn't find much on Bictegravir besides this pdf

The 1st article is very light, but holds a very important detail about this new med, the cost, which will be over $35,000 annually.  It's expected to quickly become the gold standard for HIV treatment.  Of course, it's a literal gold mine for Gilead.  The 2nd article goes much further details of the matter.

Give them a read.   This is medication has been approved & will be hitting the market soon. 


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