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Monday, February 19, 2018

Early Morning Panic...

I'm prone to wake up somewhere just before sunrise & not be able to really get back to sleep.  Sometimes I wake in a panic, sometimes it cranks up.  I'm not sure which is worse.   Trying to be rational, doesn't help.  Maybe I'm actually still too asleep to do that.  It feels like being on a horse that's terrified & bolting.  It's not really trying to hurt you, but you might get hurt in the process.  I just have to ride it out & then I'm exhausted & frazzled.

This worse during the Winter.  It's gotten more notable on Triumeq.  But now with disability review, it's been every morning.  I'm really tired.  Sometimes, I stay so spent, my face actually hurts.

I've got to get around.  We have shopping.  Tomorrow, I have to get an X-Ray for a failed TB test.   I always test positive.  Then we have to go to the optometrist.

I hope you're all doing well.


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