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Sunday, February 18, 2018

No Promises...

I'm not doing much better this morning & I have no idea when I will be.  If this disability review goes well, I'll calm down some, but not entirely.  If it doesn't, I don't know.  I'm angry & scared.  I don't have options.  

Everyday, I see people on the news actively trying to limit my life.  To hell with them.  I'm done being nice with these people.  I wish every horrible thing on them & their lives.  

I'm not in a good place & I don't when I will be again. I know there are a lot of decent people out there,  But, it becomes more apparent everyday there are more assholes than whitehats.    Even if this resolves itself in my favor.  I won't forget those people who would  cause harm to my life.  

I'm sorry, but I just can't be positive today.


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