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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Grey Morning WIth Pops Of Red...

This morning was a drizzlefest of  grey skies & damp air.  I was fortunate enough to see a display of several bursts of scarlet flitting from branches to fence posts to the ground.  A local set of cardinals  must of had a brood with a lot males.  

They're bright red, but not the big, so they're still young.  They're playing king of the mountain & not seriously fighting, maybe they're familiar with each other.  Redbirds can get very territorial. For now, the fussing is comradery.  Right now, they also need the buddy system to find enough food & not wind up food themselves.

I know there are realistic reasons for this stunning display, but I don't want to hear them right now.  I just want to think for a moment these little guys get to be social, maybe even happy.   I know it won't last, but for now, it's really pretty great.  It's like having little, vermilion swashbucklers in my yard, charging & parrying.  

I think I'll just watch the show.


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