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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Blood Letting & Icy Plunges...

Not much to post about today, but, here we go.   I had blood drawn yesterday.  It was supposed to be today, but the weatherman called for a semi-serious ice storm yesterday.  Nothing went as planned.   Most of the storm stayed north of us, this area only got some icy air & drizzle.  There's much sign that we had any precipitation at all.

The blood letting was heavier than normal.  I was expecting my typical for test; CMP, CBC, CD4, HIV-Viral Load.   When I got there, the specialist had ordered 10 test.   2 of which weren't handled because I had not been told to fast beforehand.  An additional test was also not handled due to the lab tech not understanding exactly what the doctor wanted.  

Even with 7 tests, they wound up using 9 vials.  The lab tech was great though.  I didn't feel a thing & there's still no sign of bruising.  Usually, the needle is starting to hurt halfway through just on  4 vials & I leave bruised.  I hope I get her again.

My appointment is 2 weeks,   Other than that, health matters are hopefully handled for a bit.   I don't need to get any more illnesses.

Take care..


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