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Friday, October 20, 2017

Stigma B#tch...

If you wonder how pervasive stigma against those with HIV can be, check out this article.   This piece details Republican state Rep. Betty Price's opinion on the matter.  She's a Georgia state rep from the Atlanta area.  She feels quarantining those living with HIV is a viable option.  

Let's be clear, this is the U.S. & it's not the 1980's.  Yet, the wife of Trump's former Health Secretary Tom Price, feels pushing people off into a hole somewhere to die is a reasonable response to HIV.   I'd say she was uneducated, but she's a former anesthesiologist. 

This is pure hateful, religious bigotry.  Anything they oppose should be killed with fire or something equally painful.  Her statements are dangerous & irresponsible.  

This is the stigma people with HIV still face in the world, in the U.S.  today.  


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