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Saturday, October 7, 2017

California WTF...

The governor of California signed a bill that will lower the knowing exposure of others to HIV from a felony to a misdemeanor.    Glad I don't live there.  What special kind of stupid do you have to be to pass this law?  Oh yes, you have to be a super-liberal.   Hope they choke on their capes.

This doesn't just include sexual exposure either, it covers blood donation as well.   Just amazing how far people are willing to bend over to appear PC.   But according to them HIV is just a minor inconvenience these days.  

I guess having to be tethered to amazingly expensive medications, doctors appointments & labs test is just a slight bump in the road nowadays.   I hope every person that pushed for the law contracts this illness so they can experience 1st hand the minor disturbance HIV will have on their life & well being.

This is just horrifyingly stupid.


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