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Monday, October 30, 2017

Fall Is Definitely Here...

The graying season is here.  I used to really like autumn.  Not so much anymore.  In the past, I thought think it was just the holidays.  That's probably part of it, but I think there's more.  The changing light does me in so fast.   The mornings are dark & the days end so quick.  I don't like this.

The lack of light makes it difficult for me to wake up, I mean really wake up.   I have to keep going or else I just feel sluggish & distracted.   It's hard for me to focus during this time of the year.  I'm a seasonal cusp baby.  I should love Summer & Fall, but instead I prefer Spring & Summer.  A lot of the time, I prefer Winter to Fall.  At least snow is bright.  Fall is the season of dingy earth tones, gray mists & hazy light.

In 5 days, Daylight Saving Time will end & the clocks will turn back.  That will make the mornings a bit brighter, but it'll be dark by 5 & even earlier as Autumn comes to an end.  DST is a no win thing for me.

Stay safe.warm & bright.


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