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Saturday, October 21, 2017

More Over...

My post yesterday was about Georgia State Rep. Price  She asked if people living with HIV could be quarantined.  For her it was fine when + people were dropping like flies.  However, now that people  are living longer on meds, Rep Price feels scared.   BS!  She's not scared; she's angry, hateful & disgusting.    She hates + people, plain & simple.

Now articles covering this women & her bigotry are every where.  This is living with HIV in a Trump World.  That man is doing nothing to help in the fight against HIV.  He's actively destroying programs that could help.  Trump has sided with the virus.  His administration is  aiding & abetting the spread of HIV by ending programs, removing resources & ignoring surrounding issues like the opioid crisis in the US.

Conservatives, Republicans & religious zealots have made a bad situation far worse.  Every move they make exacerbates the matter.   This isn't some accidental side step.  This is a purposeful attack on those living with HIV & suffering from surrounding issues such as poverty, food insecurity, homelessness, discrimination, addiction, etc...

Fine, I'll say it, this administration is my definition of evil.


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