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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Another Case Of Southern Stigma...

This article details how an accepted applicant to the Iberia Parish Sheriff's department was refused a position as a deputy due to being HIV+ back in 2012.  The applicant had been accepted, all but a health exam.  His physical showed him to be in good health living with HIV.  The department rescinded the offer.  

The man took his complaint to the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission back in 2012.  They took years investigating & dealing with the Sheriff's department.   In February, the EEOC determined a likelihood of illegality & sent it to the US Department of Justice.   In July the DOJ, determined he had the right to sue due to a violation of the American's With Disability Act.

The case is still ongoing.  This man will probably never get any form of reasonable compensation for this violation.  But, maybe this will teach this particular Sheriff's Office something.  Doubtful, but it might.


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