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Saturday, October 28, 2017


For the 1st time this season, we went below freezing.  Not for long or by very much, but it's only October.  It'll be as cold or a little more so tonight.   Then it's supposed to go back to more seasonal temps for a while.  

It needs to get cold enough to kill off the bugs & all the grass.  This hasn't happened for a few years now.  With as dry as this year has been, the grass might actually die off this Winter.  

The weather shift is being a bit difficult for me.  Cold makes me exhausted.   My skin & eyes are prone to getting way too dry.   

2017, you only have 64 days left.  Enjoy them, I want you out of here.  You were actually worse than 2016.

The cold season is here.  Hopefully, we'll make it through without any serious illnesses.   Take care.


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