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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween...

Happy Halloween & the last day of October 2017.   It's brisk out & looks like it might be rain.  That won't be fun for the trick-or-treaters.  This October went better than last year's.  We didn't have to replace gas lines & the refrigerator.   That was an improvement. 

I forgot to mention, I saw my lab results.  While they weren't as good as the last set, they were still within range.  So, that's that, for now.

So long October.

Take care & have a Happy Halloween,  Good Hunting.


Monday, October 30, 2017

Fall Is Definitely Here...

The graying season is here.  I used to really like autumn.  Not so much anymore.  In the past, I thought think it was just the holidays.  That's probably part of it, but I think there's more.  The changing light does me in so fast.   The mornings are dark & the days end so quick.  I don't like this.

The lack of light makes it difficult for me to wake up, I mean really wake up.   I have to keep going or else I just feel sluggish & distracted.   It's hard for me to focus during this time of the year.  I'm a seasonal cusp baby.  I should love Summer & Fall, but instead I prefer Spring & Summer.  A lot of the time, I prefer Winter to Fall.  At least snow is bright.  Fall is the season of dingy earth tones, gray mists & hazy light.

In 5 days, Daylight Saving Time will end & the clocks will turn back.  That will make the mornings a bit brighter, but it'll be dark by 5 & even earlier as Autumn comes to an end.  DST is a no win thing for me.

Stay safe.warm & bright.


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Another Chilly Morning...

The last Sunday morning of October was cold.  We're warming up.  It's already warmer than it was yesterday.  

We're not doing much today.  Just staying in & trying to stay warm.  I haven't turned on the heaters yet.  We can wait a little longer for that.  I have test lit them & they seemed to be working alright.  

In the midst of all this cold, my neighbors have decided to tend to more yard work.  I hate leaf blowers.  Another neighbor mulching his leaves with a riding lawn mower.   A lot of noise for leaves.

Take care.


Saturday, October 28, 2017


For the 1st time this season, we went below freezing.  Not for long or by very much, but it's only October.  It'll be as cold or a little more so tonight.   Then it's supposed to go back to more seasonal temps for a while.  

It needs to get cold enough to kill off the bugs & all the grass.  This hasn't happened for a few years now.  With as dry as this year has been, the grass might actually die off this Winter.  

The weather shift is being a bit difficult for me.  Cold makes me exhausted.   My skin & eyes are prone to getting way too dry.   

2017, you only have 64 days left.  Enjoy them, I want you out of here.  You were actually worse than 2016.

The cold season is here.  Hopefully, we'll make it through without any serious illnesses.   Take care.


Friday, October 27, 2017

Busy Morning...

It's the last Friday of the month.  Soon, Halloween will be here.  There probably won't be any cheap chocolate this year with where the holiday falls.  I'm OK with that.   We've been wanting less lately.  No sense having a ton of candy around.

I checked the electric bill online today.  That thing makes no sense now.  Before it was on a flat average, now it's just averaged.   But averaged with what?

I have to run to Fort Smith later.  I'm considering getting the oil changed on the van.  It just depends on how I feel later.  The weather's shifting a lot & it's making my achy.  

That's it for now, take care.


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Shopping, Flowers & Flu Shots...

Went shopping earlier.  It was a bit hectic.  We had some other errands as well.   I got my flu shot this morning.   My arm is starting to ache a bit from it.  

I went on the porch & noticed the yellow woodsorrel or pickle plant was blooming.  It was nice to see the little flowers. They'll probably be gone by the weekend.  We're supposed to get down to freezing temps overnight for a couple of days.  Hopefully, that won't last long this early in the season.

That's about it for now.  Take care.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Another Case Of Southern Stigma...

This article details how an accepted applicant to the Iberia Parish Sheriff's department was refused a position as a deputy due to being HIV+ back in 2012.  The applicant had been accepted, all but a health exam.  His physical showed him to be in good health living with HIV.  The department rescinded the offer.  

The man took his complaint to the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission back in 2012.  They took years investigating & dealing with the Sheriff's department.   In February, the EEOC determined a likelihood of illegality & sent it to the US Department of Justice.   In July the DOJ, determined he had the right to sue due to a violation of the American's With Disability Act.

The case is still ongoing.  This man will probably never get any form of reasonable compensation for this violation.  But, maybe this will teach this particular Sheriff's Office something.  Doubtful, but it might.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Morning Labs...

I got myself a little earlier this morning.  I wanted to make sure I could get to my doctor's as soon as they opened.  I had to pick a lab order & get to Outpatient Services at the hospital before 9 AM.  After that, the place is a mad house.   

You don't want to go too early though.  If you do, you have to check in via the emergency room & anything way early is usually doctor ordered for procedures that day.  Before 8 can be as busy as after 9.  There's a small window when things aren't that hectic down there.  

I made it in.  My labs are drawn.  Now, I just wait.  We'll see in a bout a week.


Monday, October 23, 2017

Another Monday Morning...

It was a typical Monday morning for us.  We went shopping for the week.   Nothing much was going on out.  I had to drop off a lab order at my doctor's.  I'll pick it up tomorrow, giving that I remember to do it.  Then I'll go have my standard blood work done.  This will only be my 2nd set of labs since I've been on Triumeq.    My specialist wanted me to wait until February, but I wasn't comfortable with that on a new med.

That's about it for me.  Take care.


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Umm, No, Out Of Context...

Georgia State Rep Betty Price, is trying to walk back her comments on the possibility of quarantining those living with HIV.  For the last couple of days the net has been roiling with the politician's comments.  Now, she's saying she was taken out of context.  So says every politician that's ever been slammed by the public concerning their horrendous nature & ideas.  

I doubt she was taken out of context.  She could've been, but I just don't buy it.  I think she was testing the waters to see what she could get away with in the current political environment.   I think Betty Price is a horrid thing that doesn't want people thinking she's a horrid thing.

This won't be the last time the concept of quarantine is brought up in regards to + people.


Saturday, October 21, 2017

More Over...

My post yesterday was about Georgia State Rep. Price  She asked if people living with HIV could be quarantined.  For her it was fine when + people were dropping like flies.  However, now that people  are living longer on meds, Rep Price feels scared.   BS!  She's not scared; she's angry, hateful & disgusting.    She hates + people, plain & simple.

Now articles covering this women & her bigotry are every where.  This is living with HIV in a Trump World.  That man is doing nothing to help in the fight against HIV.  He's actively destroying programs that could help.  Trump has sided with the virus.  His administration is  aiding & abetting the spread of HIV by ending programs, removing resources & ignoring surrounding issues like the opioid crisis in the US.

Conservatives, Republicans & religious zealots have made a bad situation far worse.  Every move they make exacerbates the matter.   This isn't some accidental side step.  This is a purposeful attack on those living with HIV & suffering from surrounding issues such as poverty, food insecurity, homelessness, discrimination, addiction, etc...

Fine, I'll say it, this administration is my definition of evil.


Friday, October 20, 2017

Stigma B#tch...

If you wonder how pervasive stigma against those with HIV can be, check out this article.   This piece details Republican state Rep. Betty Price's opinion on the matter.  She's a Georgia state rep from the Atlanta area.  She feels quarantining those living with HIV is a viable option.  

Let's be clear, this is the U.S. & it's not the 1980's.  Yet, the wife of Trump's former Health Secretary Tom Price, feels pushing people off into a hole somewhere to die is a reasonable response to HIV.   I'd say she was uneducated, but she's a former anesthesiologist. 

This is pure hateful, religious bigotry.  Anything they oppose should be killed with fire or something equally painful.  Her statements are dangerous & irresponsible.  

This is the stigma people with HIV still face in the world, in the U.S.  today.  


Thursday, October 19, 2017


Whatever the reason; desperation, indulgence, curiosity, etc... people engage in gene therapy via biohacking.  This article is light, but it deals with a man who is attempting to biohack himself to cure/control his HIV.  

Will this work?  Who knows?  Probably not, but these things have to start somewhere.  Would I suggest it? NO!  But, I wouldn't stop another adult from trying it.  For some, the meds are difficult to tolerate.  

Maybe biohacking will lead somewhere good.  Hopefully, this guy didn't just seriously harm himself.  It's possible something good can come from this.  If nothing else, it's novel.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Windows 10 F'ery...

I'm not having a good morning.  The seasonal change is altering the morning light in my room.  I'm waking a bit stressed & agitated.   I hate season changes.  

Add to this, Windows decided to do another crappy, huge update this morning.  It took slightly over 4 hours,  Now, I'll have to go through the effort of resetting my network & home group.  I hate Windows.

My morning is sucking.  Hopefully, my afternoon will fair better.  Take care.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Halfway Through October...

The month is halfway over.  My meds arrived on schedule, luckily.   The city came by & took away the yard debris from our clearing.  I need to get some AC covers soon & then our outdoor, seasonal prep will be mostly handled.  

The weather has been cooler.  We haven't had on hardly any fans.  The weather is pushing me to sleep longer.  Apparently y body was in need of more sleep than I had been getting.  During the Summer  6.5 to 7.5 hours a night was my standard.  The last few nights it's been more like 8.5.  It'll settle down soon, but for now, I obviously need the sleep.

That's about it for now.


Monday, October 16, 2017


Waiting for my meds to arrive is annoying.  They could arrive any time throughout the day.  When CVS used FedEx, my meds were here by noon.   Used to, I could depend on UPS not to be here until at least 3 PM.  

Last month they were just before 11 AM.  So now, I'm back to waiting all day for my meds to show.   I end up blowing the day, because I have to sign for the package & I don't want them getting stolen.  Hell just give me an AM or a PM.  That'd be a huge help.


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Better Feeling...

Thanks to some rain & lower overnight temps, I slept better.  Therefore, I'm feeling better.  We had to do shopping a day early.  It was Walmart. so it was annoying.   The morning was going well enough until we got home & some neighborhood stuff & a car issue caused some stress.  We've handled that as well as we can for now.

That's about all I've got for now.  Take care.


Saturday, October 14, 2017

Bad Breathing & Other Things...

I hate my neighbor.  After trying to get yard work handled as the temps rise again.  She had to go & burn leaves yesterday.  My breathing is still not great, my sinuses are awful & the rest of me is achy.  I've been coughing ever since & it shows no sign of ending soon.  

1 of the biggest problems with HIV, is that you're weaker than you think you are.  You think you can handle things like you used to, but you can't.  Even a little smoke can ruin my breathing for a day or so.  This virus trounces my digestive & respiratory systems.   Any other tiny little thing turns something I can live with into something awful.  

I hate this virus, but I really despise my neighbor for forcing me to deal with my HIV & her callous indifference.  


Friday, October 13, 2017

Another Smoky Morning...

I have to go out in a bit.  I had planned on doing more this morning, but 1 of my craptastic neighbors decided it was a good morning to burn piles of leaves.  The smoke bellowed right into my house.  My breathing is shot.  This basically killed my plans for today.  I hope my neighbor at least got burned.

Here's an interesting article on California's ridiculous new law.  It's a good read from someone else who actually happens to be +.  

Hope you have a great Friday the 13th.


Thursday, October 12, 2017


Went out shopping this morning.  It's finally warming up a bit.  Last week we were in the low 90's, but the last few nights have hit the 40's.  That drop was rough.  My feet are hating the weather change.  My roomie & I are dealing with allergy issues.  I'm fairing better though, she's been sick since Saturday night.

The sick season is upon us.  I'm hoping I can avoid anything big this time around.  I'll get my flu shot nearer to the end of the month.  

That's about all for now.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

More Net Issues...

Just after I posted yesterday about the internet not working, it went out again.  It finally came back on, but still, it was an issue.  The internet is my  primary access to just about everything these days.  Unless, I physically go so where, the net is how I get things done.  To no have it not work, even just for a few hours, is problematic.   Suddenlink needs to get their act together.


Tuesday, October 10, 2017


I have to make this quick before Suddenlink proves to me yet again how much they suck.  The net & cable went out for most of the day.   I have no idea of how long it will be up.  

More tomorrow.

In some odd language Suddenlink probably means prehistoric donkey dung.


Monday, October 9, 2017

Monday Morning....

Happy Indigenous People Day or if you prefer Submuloc.  

I got up & my roomie was sick.  She wasn't doing well yesterday.  But this morning was worse.  I got through the shopping & a couple of other errands.  It was busy out & therefore annoying.

People are still raging over California's HIV misdemeanor decision.  I don't blame them.  Now all the conservatives will use this to show how crazy liberals really are.  The problem is, California's decision was insane.  So, it's impossible to defend.  Thanks Gov. Jerry Brown for making all democrats look like whack jobs.


Sunday, October 8, 2017

October Sunday ...

Most of the articles I saw today were reacting to California's decision to lessen the knowing exposure of HIV from a felony to a misdemeanor.   I wrote about this yesterday.   I think it's a criminally stupid move on part of that state.  This decision could have ramifications for decades.  By the time they realize what a grievous error they've made, it'll be far too late.  

When I was younger I would've considered myself a progressive liberal.  Not now.  Extreme leftist have pushed my way of thinking directly into the middle grounds.   I don't mind being a centrist, it'd probably be best if everyone was.  What I mind is now these brats are calling people like me conservative.   What a crock!

Good luck California, you're going to need it.


Saturday, October 7, 2017

California WTF...

The governor of California signed a bill that will lower the knowing exposure of others to HIV from a felony to a misdemeanor.    Glad I don't live there.  What special kind of stupid do you have to be to pass this law?  Oh yes, you have to be a super-liberal.   Hope they choke on their capes.

This doesn't just include sexual exposure either, it covers blood donation as well.   Just amazing how far people are willing to bend over to appear PC.   But according to them HIV is just a minor inconvenience these days.  

I guess having to be tethered to amazingly expensive medications, doctors appointments & labs test is just a slight bump in the road nowadays.   I hope every person that pushed for the law contracts this illness so they can experience 1st hand the minor disturbance HIV will have on their life & well being.

This is just horrifyingly stupid.


Friday, October 6, 2017

1st Friday Of October...

So far, October is going alright.  Even if some fire ants did temporarily take up residence in our front yard.  The bills are paid & shopping went well enough.    Now, to enjoy the weekend.  That's all we have planned.  We're just trying to enjoy the cooler weather before it becomes frigid.   Which so far seems to be a ways out.

That's about it for now.


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Fire In the Yard...

It seems nothing good comes for free.  The rain we had brought some unwanted guests.   When I took out the trash yesterday, I noticed several disturbances in the yard.  They were fire ant mounds.  Much bigger than they would've been without the rain.  

I had to dose them yesterday & again this morning.   The stuff we use on them is foul & I do my best not to get near any of it.  Still, it gets to my breathing every time.  Nearly all pesticides do.   My breathing is a bit haggard right now.  It should clear up as the day goes on, but for now this sucks.  

I hate fire ants.


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Yick Weather...

I'm astounded & grateful we got a decent amount of rain yesterday.  We might actually get more today.  But, at this moment, the weather is less than pleasant.  It's over 80 F & the humidity's just about as high.   This is fairly miserable.  It's like breathing soup.  I'm sticking to everything, even the keyboard   So, rain more, dry out or cool down.  I'm tired of being sticky.


PS - Yes, I know, never happy

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Bills & 1st...

Most of the household bills got handled this morning.  The rest will get handled as they arrive.   Luckily, the beginning of this month was in a good place & no holidays bogged the matter down.  

It's lightly raining.  I doubt we get a 1/4", but we'll take what we can get.   It's still bone dry here.  

I'd planned on doing some yard stuff today.  The rain nixed that.  It'll get done when it gets done.

That's about all for today.


Monday, October 2, 2017

Last Blossoms Fall...

The last little, white bell fell from the yucca flower.  Most the tiny buds have fallen from the crepe myrtle.  The remaining few have darkened.   The Fall pruning will happen soon.  That's the end of the season.  

This Summer was rough on me.  I barely noticed most the things that normally make me smile.  I'm not happy with that.   There's so little left in my life that I really enjoy, I get angry with myself when things slip by me.  

Enjoy the little things.  That's all some of us really ever have.

I hope the red birds get here soon.


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Hello October...

Hy October,

I hate to admit it, but I don't have high hopes for you.  The preceding months have been less than fulfilling & some were horrible.    2017 has not been a good year.

With that said.  I hope we can at least get through this month without any more of the drama that has plagued this year so far.  You're the tenth month of the year.  October could push to be the exception & not the norm of 2017.

So, good-bye September.  Don't come back until you're fit for company.  Salutations October, try to be a good month.
