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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Yak Yak Yak

My NCIS & NCIS LA will meet fowl fates tonight.  They shall be PREEMPTED.   Why you ask, because this man feels the need to talk, yet again on national TV.

I know it's the State of the Dysfunctional Union speech, but please.  Do we really have to let this man talk for another couple of hours, accompanied by a pre & post shows?  What is this, the Super Bowl? (Not that I'm going to watch that either)

I was convinced that Mr. Bush was going to be our all time most talkative president.  I was wrong.  At least with Bush there was always this slight bit of amusement of watching him look confused as he across some big word or foreign concept/word his writers had put in his speech.  You could enjoy the face palms of his family & staff as he verbally stepped right in the middle of a steaming mess. You just can't do that with Obama.

No, Obama likes to talk, a lot!  He should've been a salesmen, not a president. Some say the rapport is good for the nation.  I say there isn't any rapport.  For that to be, there have to be a real interactive conversation between all parties & there just isn't.  This is one man prattling on.  He's like a magician pointing here & there, doing sleight of hand so no one will notice the wires, smoke or mirrors.

I am not Republican or Democrat.  I think both parties have outlived their usefulness. I feel that all this continuous political rambling does is rile people up, build false hopes & make me miss my shows.  Enough with the talk, just get to it & show us what you can actually do, not what you can talk about ad nauseum.  I'm tired of hearing the hate speech, the holier than thou rants & pathetic sales pitches.  Do something  or go home, stop all the BS.  Stop paying homage to Herb Tarlek.

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