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Monday, January 31, 2011

Waiting For The Right One...

I bought a new-to-me monitor today.  I'd be looking to get this 19" widescreen from WalMart, but as usual anything I plan to buy from that place disappears never to be seen again.  I kept hunting for a similar model at near the price & had no luck whatsoever.  I decided to let go of my search for a while & hoped Wally World would restock.  Nope.

I didn't need or want a bigger monitor.  I didn't need another small HDTV that also acted as a monitor.  I just needed something small & nothing was cooperating.  So I went back into shopper mode.  I may not have a lot of talents in this world, but I am a good shopper.

There are rules to shopping.

  1. Do not unless absolutely necessary or you find the best sale ever, buy anything on impulse.  (Even then you'll probably regret it.)
  2. Research, Research, Research.  Know absolutely everything about the item you wish to purchase.  What are the options?  What are prices ranges?  What's shipping going to cost? Etc...
  3. Debate whether this is a must-have item or just an I-want item.  The must-have item will always be given precedence. 
  4. Use every tool you can to find the item in question;  local stores, Ebay, Craigs List, garage sales, newpapers, everything & anything.  
  5. Keep your eyes open, you never what will pop up.
  6. Do you need it new or will used or refurbished suffice?
  7. Be patient, if it is to be found, it will be found.
I was following my rules to find this monitor.  I waited for it to return to Walmart, didn't happen.  I searched online, found nada worth having for the price & shipping.  I knew my product, I've had a lot of monitors.  It was an item I needed, but it hadn't worked it's way into must-have priority yet, so I waited.  Finally, when going to get the mail at one of those private mail box places, there it was.

I didn't even see it, my roommate had to point it out to me, repeatedly (early morning zombie stares must have still been in operational mode).  The man who owns the business had decided to replace this one 17" flat monitor because it was grey & simply didn't fit in with his other newer, black monitors. Yes, I snark.  The old grey monitor was exactly the same as the newer black model he'd purchased, but it wasn't matchy-matchy with every other monitor in the place. 

So I found a new-to-me monitor at a good price because someone was really into the aesthetics of black.  I am thankful for some peoples' relentless need to color coordinate. Now, i have the monitor I was looking for, on to the next hunt.

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