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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Back To The Bug...

Woke up today feeling a little bit like a piece of dehydrated fruit, no pun intended.  The weather has been shifting widely here lately.  Yesterday it got up to 78 F & by Wednesday our high might reach 25 F.  Two things about HIV that most doctors will never tell you.; 1)  Everything in your environment can & most likely will affect the way you feel & 2) HIV will magnify almost any pre-existing conditions you may have had like allergies, IBS, body aches, etc...

What can you do about it?  Almost nothing.  The best you can do is to control your environment as much as possible & often that isn't much at all.  Every environmental factor can alter how you feel; temperature, humidity, allergens, light levels & so on.  Many of the meds you take can make you more sensitive to light & temperature.  

Now on to the actual living with this mess.  

  1. Recognize what is your "normal" for any given situation; temperature, light reaction, allergies..
  2. Know your meds & your reactions to them.
  3. Do your best to stay in a level environment; temperature, humidity, light...
  4. Wear a hat & sunglasses outside, do your best to block direct, intense light exposure.
  5. This may be the most important one, stay hydrated.
  6. Have a good relationship with your pharmacist, he'll known more about your meds than anyone.
  7. Remember you're sick & you won't always feel well, but it usually will pass.
  8. Other ongoing illnesses must be dealt with, they & HIV can aggravate each other.
  9. If symptoms don't pass or move into pain, high fever or other oddness call your doctor.
  10. If something feels wrong & no one listen, keep talking & pushing until someone does.

There are things you can do, like check you meds  & symptoms on the web.  You can get some good info that way.  But remember you can also get a lot of crap info off the web.  Above all else, do not work yourself into a frenzy over this.  Going crazy will not help you or your health.

Having HIV is not easy, pretty or even civil.  It's up to you to manage your disease as best you can., no one else will do it for you.  You have to keep on top of your meds, your stress levels, your environment, well damn near everything.  It can be frustrating, even exasperating.  

I don't always write about HIV in every entry, but believe me , it is having an effect on how & what I write about.  Do I have the attention span to with it today to write something relevant or witty?  Will I just write something to write something?  I get very sick of my life being about HIV, but it is about HIV, my meds, my well-being, my doctor appointments, my trips to the lab & so on. Once you have HIV, it is your life, just accept it & try to make the best of it.  I'm sure having diabetes is no different.  So let's just suck it up & hopefully tomorrow we'll feel better.  I better, I have to go shopping.

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