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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Epivir, Didanosine & Vitamins oh my

Another day, another loading of the meds.  Epivir and Didanosine in the morning followed later by Norvir and Invirase.  I know it's an old cocktail, but it works for me, mostly. Mornings are always like the weather man's forecast for the rest of the day, their not always accurate.  Will it be a good day or not or will I spend most of the in the bathroom cussing my meds and allergies?  The AM is drastically influenced by how I slept.  The meds, HIV & life in general make my sleep iffy a lot of the times. It makes me edgy.  Lot's of negative dreams and night thoughts. Not nightmares, but dreams of bad things happening to people, lots of what-if this happens scenarios, and other mostly unpleasant things.  Occasionally they've led to nighttime panic episodes.  Not often, but one of those things is way too many. So far it seems like an OK day, except for having to go get the car which needed repairs on the tie-rods. Not sure what's going to happen today, hopefully not much, if something does I'll post, if not see you tomorrow.

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