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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Trying, Sometimes It's The Hardest Thing To Do

I dabble with a lot of things; fixing faucets, taking out overgrown shrubs & concocting my own recipes.  I do most of this out of necessity.  I don't have the $ to pay someone else to do it.  I'm never fond of the process to begin with, there's all that uncertainty.  Can I do this?  How much worse will I make the situation? Eventually, I usually concede & at least try.  It's not always pretty, but I did put forth an effort.

Most of what I dabble with, other people know how to do.  Usually their parents taught them how.  I did not have the luxury of parents willing to teach me anything, with he exception of drinking. I have had to go through almost everything most people take for granted & try to do it by trial & error.  There are more often errors than successes, but eventually I get to something that works for me.  Then one day someone walks up & does it the right way &  I have V8 moment & face-palm myself.  The way they did it made so much sense, it was so much easier, but I never knew how to do it, until that moment.

Past that, I've had to learn to adjust somethings to my life.  Like realizing I don't have to do all the dishes, laundry or other cleaning at once.  It's OK, if I can only mow a bit of the yard at a time.   It will still get done.  I don't have to do any of my household chores on anyone else's schedule other than my own.  I can take all day Sunday and cook tons of stuff up in case I don't feel up to cooking later in the week.  I can clean one part of the kitchen a day and keep it fairly clean.  This is my house & my life & I will learn to do it my way and accept it as being OK.

I do dabble with recipes.  Dabbling with recipes is a process of evolution.  It takes time.  I've told a few people online about my recipes, but not until today did I post them.  Today I posted four of my recipes on  I'll have to wait to see if they accept them for general viewing.  If they do I'll post the links.  Until now I never did it, I didn't want the recipes to be rejected.  Finally I accepted the worse thing they could  do was to say "No" & that there were other sites to submit to if they did reject my submissions.  Most of all I had to realize they would be rejecting my recipes, not me.

Go ahead try, try something.  So what if you fail.  You just might enjoy it and learn something along the way.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I am so proud of you for submitting your recipes! You are a wonderful cook, you know. I mean, seriously, you are.
