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Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Still The Same...


Sometimes looking at the current writings concerning HIV gets depressing.  It's not that there aren't occasionally new developments in research.  It's that there seems to be an endless stream of articles over topics that have been there for decades.  

Instead of moving forward socially, culturally & medically, we're stuck in repeat.  The writings are crammed full of people facing stigma, people refusing to deal with HIV because cultural issues or some ideological prejudice against HIV.   We're still having to say HIV is a virus & not an act of some pissy god on degenerates.   It's disease that doesn't care who or what you are.

To all the religious people out people freaking out over HIV.  Either help or get the hell out of the way.  Too those hiding behind culture as a reason to not get tested or use protection.  You are as big of a problem as the actual virus.  Cowardice, ignorance, hate & dishonesty have kept this virus going more than sex & drug use. 

Let's accept there will always be people who hate.  Lets try our best to move on without & in spite of them.  To those hiding behind cultural issues, if you won't take care of yourself, at least stop spreading the danger.  To the politicians, do your job.

My rant is over for now, but these same issues have hindered the issue for decades.  It's time to grow up & move on.  


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