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Wednesday, February 28, 2024



Condoms have always been a great tool in fighting HIV, STD's & unwanted pregnancies.  But over the years due to ignorance, unwillingness, PrEP, U=U, etc..., their use has declined significantly.  This article is over that matter.  

Due to many factors, but especially to a mass focus on PrEP, many in the HIV arena have stopped promoting condoms & their distribution.  If used properly PrEP can be helpful in preventing the transmission of HIV.  The problem is, even now the number of people taking the med is quite low.  The number of people sticking to the PrEP regimen consistently is even lower.

Given all things go as planned, PrEP only fights HIV, nothing else.  That leaves a host of other STD's & that's not addressing pregnancy.  Condoms handle all these things.  They are cheap, available & easy to use.  Condoms should always be the 1st method mentioned in fighting HIV.  Even though it's practical & reliable, it's not being used.  Maybe companies aren't making enough money off them.   Maybe people are reluctant to talk about their usage.  For whatever reason, this is a failure.

Many articles have discussed the rise of drug resistant STD's that used to be treatable.  Some believe PrEP promotion over condoms has aided in this development.   So you don't catch HIV, instead it's an untreatable case of gonorrhea or herpes.  Both of which a condom can reduce the likelihood of transmission.   

Be safer, use a condom.  Take care.


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