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Saturday, February 3, 2024

Shaky February Saturday...


We handled our Friday stuff well.  My meds went through alright.  That's very good for me.  We went over to Fort Smith & tried a Thai place we hadn't been to before.  It was pretty good.  We'll probably go there again.  

A little past midnight, Oklahoma had a 5.1 earthquake.  It's been a bit since we got a notable shake here.  It felt & sounded like the cats had done their hard run across my room chasing each other.   The only problem was, they weren't in my room.  The quake came from the center of the state & was felt in Kansas & Arkansas.

Our weekend started with some shaking & looks to be dreary throughout.  We're having some wind & there could be some significant rain.  I guess we need the rain.  We don't need the wind or gloom.

That's it for now, take care.


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