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Friday, February 9, 2024


I don't like this time of year.   Whatever little reserves I had to get through Winter are mostly used up.  Even though it's still not bright, warm or springy.  The weather & light level's ups & downs leave me feeling a little unmoored.  I know I'll probably be alright, but everything is rocking just a bit much.  

I feel off this time of year.  I don't really feel bad, but I don't feel good.  I'm not sick, but also not well.  I sleep, but I'm tired.  I feel like I dropped the day's plan & it's all scattered about, like a puzzle missing pieces.  I'm fairly sure something's amiss all day.

It's warm right now, but also hazy.  The warm weather will cool for the rest of the month.  It'll probably be dark & wet.  I detest this time of year.

Oh well, that's all for now, take care.


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