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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Less Tolerant...


I've posted on HIV stigma a lot.   I think it's a useless fight.  Stigma against whatever is a method people use to establish social hierarchy & it's never going away.  Somethings, like HIV, currently have higher levels of stigma than others, but that changes over time.   In the past, it's been being a heretic, interracial marriages, being half blooded, being left handed, etc...  Stigma may change but it never leaves.

This article from Forbes is about how Americans are becoming less tolerant of having HIV+ coworkers.  It talks about intolerance.  It also states GenZ is the least knowledgeable concerning the virus & people living with it.

Do note the word tolerant is used a lot.  If someone is tolerating something, it generally means they wouldn't if they felt they had options.  To these people an HIV+ coworker is just another challenging, appalling thing they have to deal with their lives.  If given a choice they'd get rid of the irritant.

Stigma is real & it can be dangerous.  You don't owe anyone the truth about your health.  Unless you have to talk about, it's probably best left unsaid.  If it becomes public knowledge, it will color how people see you & how they treat you.  Can you afford that; financially, socially, emotionally...?

This is reality, a lot of people are just looking for a reason to remove others from their daily lives.   For many HIV will be the reason.  Some others may tolerate you just to up their social cred.  Only a few will just accept you.  Stick to them when you can.


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