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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Anniversary, Normal & Upcoming...


Yesterday, was a day my mother's birthday. A day she shared with Lincoln.  When I was a kid & still in some states, his birth was celebrated as its own holiday.  Now, it's just President's Day, combining him & Washington.

Today is 5 years past my stroke.  Here's the post on that.  I still have some issues, but they seems to be a reaction to the statins they gave me at the time as a preventative after the event.  That didn't work.

There are articles out there discussing whether or not a normal life is possible with HIV.  That depends on the definition of normal.  Too many article paint a sunshine & lollipops picture of normalcy.  I won't say you can't have a version of normalcy.  I will say it won't be your old life & that kind of familiar existence.  You can get through this, but it won't be the same.   There might even be times you question if it was worth it.

I need to get labs drawn next week.  Hopefully that goes well.   I had to call a lot to get a hold of the specialist's office.  Their phones are having issues.  My telemed appointment will be in the beginning of March.

That's it for now.  Take care.


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