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Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year's

This won't be a long post.  There are just hours left in 2022.  This has been a hard year.  So many losses & hardships.  I've read about people who shaped the world & impacted my life dying almost every week. We've lost our older cat.  It's been a rough time.  I won't miss this year & I'm tired of feeling that way.  It'd be nice to have more years I'm fond & get nostalgic about when I think of them.

My ask for this year, is for it to be a year I can look back on smile at what came our way.   I don't want to have to bear a holy symbol & try to rebuke the undead beast away.

Take care & Happy New Year's.   May we all find comfort, peace & joy.


Friday, December 30, 2022

Ending's Eve...


2022 plans on ending as difficult as it started.  Less than 2 weeks ago we were setting comfortably in the 50s.  Then in about 36 hours it dropped to almost 0°.  Yesterday we were in the low 70s.  In about 10 days there was a 50° drop then a 70° hike.  That's 120° swing.  Add to that, juniper pollen is hitting medium to medium high levels & then the nonstop wind.  It's not been pleasant shift.   We don't need the heaters, but my body feels like we've been on a bad carnival ride.

Oh well, at least we're not freezing.  Take care. Happy Holidays.


Thursday, December 29, 2022



This has been a week of lasts.  This is the last Thursday of 2022.   There's only a Friday & Saturday left & then no more 2022.  Part of me is relieved this year will be over.  Still, I'm angry that there was so little good in the last 360+ days.  This last year, so far for this decade, things have been in a bad place.  Hoping won't change that.  Thoughts & prayers won't change that.  Only serious cooperative work will change that.  I'm not sure there are enough people willing to work with other for a better year ahead.  It'd be nice.  Are we past civility?  Did we use it all up along with being gracious, charitable & kind? 


Wednesday, December 28, 2022



There are only 3 more days after today.  Then 2022 will be nothing more than a memory.  We don't have many plans for those days except for getting through them.  We're also picking out some different stuff to eat for New Year's that we don't usually get.  

What do I want out of 2023?  That's easy, I'd like less drama, less crisis, less stress.  If we could get those things then we could relax, feel safer & maybe find a bit more joy in our lives.  Hopefully, what I want won't be too big an ask.

I hope the rest of the year brings some joy.  Take care.


Tuesday, December 27, 2022

An Error & 7 Days...


So far the van is working.  Here's hoping that's a thing that continues.  Yesterday wasn't easy on us, the weather & darkness is taking its toll.  I made an error last night when I decided to only leave 1 stove on overnight.  It got colder in the house than I expected.  Still trying to warm it back up a bit. 

Today marks a week since I last held Tinkerbell.  We talked to her a lot on her last day.  She wanted to held & comforted.  She could feel us, hear us & see us.  She was taking in her last moments with us.  I'm glad she went as peacefully as did, but I hate she had to go.  She is very missed.  The house is off without her.  Even the little cat who was an ass to Tink is weirded out without her.  I hope her journeys are glorious & loving.  There would've never been a good point or enough time with her, for her passing to have been easier on us.  She was & still is loved.  I guess she thought 10 years was long enough & went to meet Mother Alice passed 10 years go tomorrow.


PS - I'm over sad Winter moments & anniversaries.

Monday, December 26, 2022

A Bit Warmer...


The cold has been getting to me.  I don't feel well & my mood is more off than normal.  I really can't handle the cold & dark of Winter.  This season gets to me physically, emotionally & spiritually.  It's just cold shadows of nostalgia for things lost.  Sometimes for things that never were.   

Nothing comes easy for me this time of the year.  So far, neither of us have come down with our typical holiday sickness.  Maybe we can avoid it this year.  The last week of the year is a hard time for me.  It's when I have face it that the holidays have left me feeling flat once again.  2022 brought precious little good, but truckloads of awful & horrendous.  I'm very tired.  It'd been really nice for 2023 to be decent, but I doubt it will be.  There wasn't much in the way of holiday magic & I'm out hands to help miracles along.

That's all for now.  May this year wind down peacefully for everyone.  Take care.


Sunday, December 25, 2022

Happy Holiday...


It's here & almost over.  This time of the year never lives up to the hype we've built for it.  Each year there seems to be less of the holiday season.  I only heard Christmas music in the stores a few times & mainly the last time I went shopping.  For better or worse, this season has changed in many ways & it's never going to be what many of us remember again.  I want to say that's sad, but maybe for some people it isn't. 

There only 6 days left in the year.  I normally try to have hopes for the new year, but I just don't see anything making that even remotely possible this time.  I just hope it doesn't get any worse.  2022 was just a rough year on this house.  We need a serious respite. 

That's all for now, may your day be bright & joyous. 


Saturday, December 24, 2022

BD's & Eve...


It's my roomie's birthday & Christmas Eve.  Imagine having your birthday on such an attention hog of a day as the preshow for Christmas.  

The weather did a number on a lot of people's holidays.  I hope everyone is doing as well as possible.  Tomorrow is supposed to be our last COLD day for a while.  By Wednesday, we won't even need to have the taps dripping overnight.

That's all for now, take care.

Happy Holidays.


Friday, December 23, 2022

Frosty Fingers & Sunlenca...


It's frigid.  We got down near 0 with wind chills much lower.  Getting this house to near 60 has been difficult.  I have the heaters off for a bit.  Even though it's cold, the stoves can still make it hard to breath after a while.  They'll back on after a short break for them & our breathing.  It actually snowed, not much but enough that with the wind, it seemed impassable.  It really killed visibility.

Gilead has a new product going to market, Sunlenca, also known as Lenacapavir.  It's a long acting med to fight multi resistant HIV.  I've posted about the drug before.  It got approval in Europe a while back.

There are on 8 days left in the year.  There are 11 days before my HIV & this blog's anniversary.  Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.  This year is almost over.  I hope the holidays go well for everyone.  Most of us need it.

Take care & Happy Holidays.


Thursday, December 22, 2022

Getting Frigid...


It's going to get frigid over the next 24 hours.  There could be some snow.  The wind's already blowing & isn't supposed to stop.  Hopefully, this doesn't get too bad.  We don't need power issues.  We still need to go shopping & get some other things handled.  

The van is back & managed to start once to get home.  I hope that continues.  Sorry that I missed it yesterday, but Happy Solstice.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Goodbye Tinkerbell...


Our Tinkerbell is no longer with us.  She passed last  night.  We think she passed in her sleep.  She was 19,  she spent over half that as an outdoor cat.  She'd been neglected then abandoned by her original people.  We took her in almost 10 years ago.  She was our Christmas Cat & she left near the same time.   She stayed past Alice, Fluffy, Rhiannon & Rowan.  The only cat left is Millie.  So many cats have come & gone since we've been here, indoors & out.   I miss them.

I'm a little numb & irritated at the moment.  With her passing there's also the van issues, cold weather & the gas company mucking about.  I'm tired of the pile on.  We still have to take the van in & I need to pick up meds.  

This was the last shot of Rhiannon, near the last pic of Rowan.   Tinkerbell you will be missed.  I hope your next life is so much better than this time around.  May you always warm, safe & loved.   May cuddles, food & purrs be abundant.  You were loved.


PS - Please always been kind to strays & feral, no matter how many legs they may have.  No one asked to be a stray.  No asked to be unwanted.  If you can't be kind, at least do no harm.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Getting Frigid...


I'm not sure how this upcoming weekend is going to play out.  We have ongoing van drama, people coming to visit, an cat having issues & it's supposed to be frigid.  From early Friday morning until sometime Sunday, it'll be under freezing.   It's supposed to warm back up to more seasonal temps after this polar BS leaves the area. 

Other than the weather, the van has to go in tomorrow.   The older cat is having health problems.  She did this time last year.  Not sure if it's the same thing or how she'll handle it.  So much for a bright cheerful holiday season.  It's just more of 2022's crap.  

I hope everyone else's holidays are going smoother.  Take care,


Monday, December 19, 2022

On It Goes...


Many people act like the fight for Gay issues is over.  Take a look at recent news about attacks on Gay places & you'll see that isn't accurate.  They also act like the fight against HIV is a done deal, it isn't.  

Ever since the times of Mike Pence being governor of Indiana, the block of states; Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky & West Virginia have had a problem with a lingering HIV outbreak.  This piece covers some of that in W. Virginia.

These cases had little to with Gay activity, they were mostly due to IV drug use & needle sharing.   Even with the programs started the problem lingers & conservatives still scream about actions taken to combat these cases.

This is not a pleasant read, but it's a good piece.  Take care.


Sunday, December 18, 2022



When it comes to HIV/AIDS, I have no faith in people or the system.  All the medical advancements could be made that would ever be needed to end HIV & it wouldn't matter.  This virus is decades old & could've been handled without advanced meds if everyone had got with the program in the 90s. Instead there were issues of ideology, religion, ethnicity, finances, etc...  Of those, only the money matters were a legitimate topic.  The rest was BS & smoke screens designed to avoid taking responsibility for the matter.  Not to mention how much HIV helped certain socio-political agendas. 

HIV could've been a thing of the past.  But that didn't fit with some people's agendas or sensibilities.  Because of the shortcomings of people, not drug companies, this virus still burns across the world.  

I have no faith in people.  Not when it comes to HIV or any topic that could aid or benefit the lives of people who need assistance.  People with their self justifying ideologies & religions have kept HIV & other harmful things in play for decades.  Never trust people who start a conversation with what they believe.


Saturday, December 17, 2022

Backside Of The Month...


We got our errands & shopping handled yesterday.  We're mostly finished with holiday meal purchases.  Just a few last minute perishable things.  The car's window issues seam to settled.  The van's issues are worse.  It has an appointment with another mechanic on Wednesday.  

This weekend my roomie will see her family.  Sometime during the week we'll have holiday company again.  During that time my roomie will handle her birthday wants.  

There are 8 days until the holiday & 14 left in 2022.  I hope it goes well for everyone.


Friday, December 16, 2022

Not Much Left...


There's a little over 2 weeks left in 2022.  There were things I wanted handled, but they aren't.  I suppose they'll drag over into the next year.  We tried to handle these things, but nothing seemed to work.  At the moment, I'm cold, frustrated & hating the grey skies. 

We have errands today.  I hope they go well.  I'm too spent for more of 2022's BS.  I don't want to be the person who dreads the tiniest things.  If that's all that's left, I'd rather not.

It'd be nice if I could find the bright side of things again.


Thursday, December 15, 2022

Short But Bright...


This will be a short post.   We're having someone over & she should be shortly.  On a the brightside, it's sunny.  It's cold & looks to get colder, but at least there's sunlight.  

That's about all for now, take care.


Wednesday, December 14, 2022

I Hate Mornings...


I hate mornings, that means I woke up again.  Waking is the major culprit in this matter.  When it happens I'm angry, hurt, sad, frustrated, scared, anxious & so much more.  I feel betrayed that I woke up to here again.  This place has never treated me that well & each year it just gets worse.   When morning comes & I wake up, it's like I'm facing all of that for the 1st time.  I have no idea how to handle any of it & I don't want to even try.  If there were a button to hit to make you go back to sleep forever, I'd hit it every morning.  

At the moment, it seems everything in my life is failing, breaking or incapable of helping.  Both cars have issues, the house is ancient, appliances are decrepit, furniture needs replaced, the cats are the cats, etc...  This was stuff I used to be able to solve, but now every plan falls through.  Then more crap falls, like cable outages, TV's fritzing & power blips while appliances are running.  No single thing is devastating.  It's just all of them snowballing are overwhelming me.

My roomie is making plans to help her situation.  I hope they work.  I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to be of any good to anyone.  

I'm waking up more now & my biggest trick can begin.  I'll lie to myself again & make myself believe this will all work out somehow.  I've done it all my life.  It's probably how I"ve hurt myself the most.  But it's the only way I can through day let alone a life.  I'll keep telling myself, things will work out.  I can't do that in the morning.  That me isn't buying my BS song & dance. 

I'll most likely get through today.  Still I'd hit that never wake up button every morning.  This definitely isn't an E-Ticket ride.  Life deserves the worst Yelp review.


Tuesday, December 13, 2022

So Very Not Good...


It's very dark this morning & I'm not doing well.  I woke more nerved out than I have been in a while.  Everything keeps making demands, breaking, needing & I just can't.  There's been so much going on & so little getting resolved.  I really hate waking up.  It means there's probably something waiting for me.  It's almost always dark.  There are car troubles, furniture issues, phones, health, mailboxes & the list goes on.  I used to think I could handle a couple of them at a time.  Now I'm not so sure, especially when they all happen at once.  Does anything good ever come from waking up?  I'm tired, broken & it seems some of my pieces are missing.


Monday, December 12, 2022

Bad Evening...


I didn't wake to a good morning yesterday.  Most of the day plateaued into a state of grey ugh.  Then evening came & it fell apart.  A series of stupid, frustrating crap began & wouldn't stop.   No specific incident was big & awful, but they wouldn't stop & none of our plans to deal with them were working.  We finally came up with something, but it took hours.  I went to bed stressed & strung out.  

It's grey again this morning & we have plans for the week ahead.  I'm really hoping they go off without any big hitches.  I just can't deal with much more.  

It looks like the scant holiday plans we had fell through again.  I think I'm done with that.  If something's going to happen then ask me after everyone else's shit is together.  Before that, leave me out of it.  The holidays are back to just being a bother.


Sunday, December 11, 2022

Rough Dark...


I'm glad I didn't expect December to be a good month for me.  I would've been disappointed.  This month like the rest of the year, has been a string of stupids mishaps, demanding issues & the bothersome ideas of other people.  I keep trying to check them off the list, but some are resistant & new problems keep showing up.  

I'm not in full SAD mode yet, but the dark drear isn't helping me any.  Add to that the stress of nearly everything around me & I'm not doing well.  I've spent most of my live anxious & if given the option, I wouldn't repeat it.  There's never been much in my life worth salvaging & there's less every year.   

I don't want much out of life.  I'd just like to be able to wake up, go through my day & then go to bed without spending most of the day about to crumble from nerves, stress & health issues.  I know that's never going to happen.  I see my life as a perfect example as to why abortion should be readily available.  No one should be asked to live a life like this or worse.  People like this would've been better off never being, never going through all the trauma, ache & disappointment.

I'd could hope for better in 2023, but I know that won't come to pass.


Saturday, December 10, 2022

Dark December Morning...


December is taking this dark of the year thing too literally.  It's been dreary a good part of the month & it's just the 10th.  It's grey & lightly raining this morning.   There's no sign of any sunshine for today.  I hate this time of the year.   All it does is add to my anxiousness.  We do the need the rain.  But, it doesn't have to be so dark.

That's it for now.  I didn't see any notable articles.  Take care.


Friday, December 9, 2022

Last Fridays...


Other than shopping, we don't have plans for today.  It's just over 2 weeks until Christmas, but it doesn't feel like the holidays.  It didn't last year & I doubt it will this year.  I'm not sure what happened, but I don't think that feeling is coming back any time soon.  I'm not sure the current social climate can support things as ethereal, jovial & warm as the holidays once held dear.  In this post Christian world maybe all yule time can be is a display of outrageous, poorly aimed, ludicrous aggression.  I hope that's not the case.


Thursday, December 8, 2022

Ticking Away...


The end is nigh, at least for 2022.  With just 17 days left until Christmas & 23 left in the year, it's closing down.  I don't have any holiday wishes, or much of any wishes for that matter.  They never come to be.  I'm to the point if I was made to make a wish, it'd probably be fairly brutal.  Something along the lines of wishing all those who spend their time causing others pain & distress, to those who would rob others of simple joys & hopes, to those who revel in idiocy, hate & pettiness just be gone.  I don't think that'd cure the world's woes.  But maybe, with all that static gone, there'd be a chance.


Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Living With...


I often see articles discussing what it's like to live with HIV.  I generally don't pay much attention to them.  There are so many variables that affect a person's quality of life while living with HIV.  My time with HIV has been very different than other peoples.  Some articles talk about how easy & normal it is to live while HIV+.  Others make life seem utterly hopeless due to outside factors like stigma & difficulty acquiring resources.  Both are true for some people.  I've never seen an articles that talk about how living with HIV is different almost every day.  Some days are good while others are horrible.  

I'm a white male with a notable Native American background in rural Oklahoma.  I have very limited resources.  I was diagnosed very late & reacted badly to some of the early HIV meds.  I had very limited support & my HIV specialist was over 2 hours away.  

My point being is that someone with decent support in an urban area who was diagnosed early in recent times, would have a very different experience than I did.   We'd hardly be comparable at all.   Living with HIV is different for everyone, just like life.


Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Back To Grey...


It was bright for a little bit this morning.  Then the clouds rolled back in & it was over.  We don't have anything planned for today.  We did shopping & ran to Fort Smith yesterday.  I got a new keyboard out of the trip.  It's not an expensive keyboard by any means.  Still it's incredibly better than that horrible thing Dell sent with my system.  The mouse they sent was pretty much just a typical PC mouse, but the keyboard was flat, uncooperative crap.   My typing is already better than it was.  Small things can make serious changes. 

That's all for today, take care.


Monday, December 5, 2022



It's Krampusnacht,  the night of the Krampus.  The Krampus is sort of the anti Santa.  He comes to take away the really bad children.  He's offended by the those who don't respect the spirit of the holiday season.   I guess he's been really busy going after so many adult children.  

This is supposed to be the season of giving.  That doesn't seem to hold up when I'm involved.  Instead it's even more the season of needing, wanting or demanding I do something for someone, something else.  

I'm sorry, but after this year, especially these last few months, I'm closed for business.  It's grey, dreary & I'm spent.   There's still a lot I wanted to get done this year.  I don't know if any of that will happen.  Especially with everything else making demands on me.  It'd be different if I thought I could trust or even felt like I could ask someone else for anything.  But, I don't.  The only people I think I can ask anything of are those I'm paying & even then it doesn't always happen.

I'm trying not to be anti-holidays, but it'd be nice if this grey BS season of taking would pack it's bags & leave.  I'm to the point I can't do or give any more.  

Sorry for the rant & I really do hope everyone else has a great holiday season.


Sunday, December 4, 2022

Grey December Sunday...


We managed to get through yesterday without any disasters.  I wonder how long that will last.  We watched A Charlie Brown Christmas  last night.  We've  seen it & Rudolph, so the season's underway.  

It's a grey morning.  It's raining a little.  We have quite a ways to go before we meet out rainfall average for the month.  

Tomorrow we'll handle the 1st of the month stuff.  Other than routine things like that, nothing else is planned.  There are tentative holiday plans.  They may or may not pan out.  We'll have to wait & see. 

Just a note. There's still nothing I like about cold weather.   

Take care.


Saturday, December 3, 2022

Rough Start...


I mentioned yesterday some of November's drama rolled over into the new month.  We finally resolved  what we could of it on our end & sat back.  Of course, we relaxed a bit too soon.  Later that afternoon, the washing machine breaks.  It had a loadful of clothes in a basin full of dirty water.  Our regular fix it guy wasn't answering.  We managed to get someone else out to fix the thing.  It was a stressful night again.  We plan on doing as little as possible the next couple of days.  Maybe we can recover a bit.


Friday, December 2, 2022



I guess December didn't have a chance to be a decent month.  There was too much hangover from November issues.  I'm tired of their constant presence & the drama these issues cause.   I've got to get cleaned  up & go run some errands.  It'd be nice if things went well.   I have no hoped for that actually happening.

Take care.


Thursday, December 1, 2022

World AIDS Day & December...

Today is World AIDS Day.  Google it & you'll find pieces from various sources; White House, UN, Parliament, etc...  This year's theme is "Rock the Ribbon" & Equalize.  The ribbon pushes for awareness so inequalities in everything concerning HIV/AIDS can be addressed & overcome.  There are a lot of good pieces on this today, read some.

It's also the 1st of December.  So far, the van works, but November still had to give us more crap on the way out.  Something we thought we'd handled wasn't.  Now, it's still on our plate.  More to be done.  November won't be missed.  December, try not suck.


Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Goodbye November...


November's ending & none too soon.  The holiday season is progressing, but it still doesn't feel like that time of year.   I've already heard more holiday music in stores than I had all of last year.  I don't expect any big decor on houses this year.  There wasn't much for Halloween.  I"ve only seen the bell ringers at Walmart last Friday.  Usually those people are there clanging from start to finish.  

We handled appointments yesterday & the van is allegedly fixed.  We'll see.  There are some errands to handle today.  There's a lot of trash to take out, since it didn't run last week.  That's us winding down November.

Goodbye November.


Tuesday, November 29, 2022



My appointment went as expected.  We have to be out of here shortly, my roomie has an appointment.  After that, the van has an appointment.  

So many short posts, but it can't be helped.  Take care.


Monday, November 28, 2022

Early Appointment....


This will be short.  I have to be out of here pretty soon.  I have a regular check in with my primary in just a bit.  I wish they weren't every 3 months.  Oh well, that'll be my morning.  First I'll go to a doctor's appointment & then shopping.   This isn't going to be a fun week.


Sunday, November 27, 2022

Nice, But...


There's a renewed call for global equity regarding the matter of HIV.  It's good idea.   It may be the only the only way to end the virus, if that's even possible.  

However there is still the matter of the how-to's.   There never seems to be a realistic explanation of the logistics or finances for this move towards equity.  Mostly it's just rhetoric.  If they place all the burden on the West, it simply won't happen.  

Nice visions without the means to back them are just sales pitches for nothing.  These calls come off  as a n attempt to bolster those calling & denigration for everyone not readily complying.   It's a nice thing to hope for.  As they say, hope isn't a plan. 

On another matter, this week's going to be busy.  November's winding down & both of us have doctor's appointments.  The van has to go into the shop.  Then the 1st of the month stuff starts.  This isn't going to be a fun week.


Saturday, November 26, 2022

Dreary Ending...


It seems November has every intent of going out as dreary as possible.  There might be another sunny day in the month, but I doubt it.  I really don't care for this weather but there isn't much I can do about it.   

We'll put up our scant holiday decor.  It won't lighten the drear, but maybe it'll brighten us up some. I'm glad the month is ending, but I don't have much hope for the remainder of the year.  The entirety of this decade so far seems bent on being obstinatetly contrary.

That's it for me this morning.   Take care.


Friday, November 25, 2022

Grey Day After...


The holiday went well, at our level of the event.  I'm sure some people would've wanted more.  Thanksgiving is just another holiday & I've always had a weird relationship with those times.  Anyway, ours went well & I hope everyone else's did as well.  Holidays aren't easy.

We'll head out in a bit to  go shopping.  I'll see if  there's any Black Friday stuff we'd like.   There usually isn't, but I'll look.

That's all for now, take care.


Thursday, November 24, 2022



US Thanksgiving is here.  It's pretty dismal, grey & wet.  There are just 31 days until Christmas & 37 days left in 2022.  Hope everyone is ready for this year to  wind down. 

Happy Thanksgiving.  


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

And Again With It...


There is a constant flow of articles over how certain populations in this country are less apt to get HIV treatment.  These are usually based on gender, age & race/ethnicity.  These statements may be genuine & even accurate, but aiming the responsibility for this  phenomenon on the medical community is completely unjustified.  

Information regarding HIV/AIDS has been readily available in the US for decades.  If there is need for more outreach, that's a matter of public health & welfare.  It's not the job of most medical professionals to reach out to people, especially those who don't want contact.  That's for social workers, community leaders, case managers, etc...

I saw an article today about having more equity in HIV treatment.  Yes there should be equity.  If you're talking about matters of access due to location, disability or finances then by all means do what you can.  If you're talking about HIV stigma among certain groups of people, then that's another matter.  

Professionals have tried for decades to make inroads into various racial/ethnic communities.  Most often with limited success.  This is now a matter for those communities to handle.  It's fairly blatant that help from outside the community isn't trusted/wanted.  It will have to be an internal matter.  I'd rather medical professionals focus on people who actually want medical aide than chasing those who don't.


Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Slight Change Of Issue...


The issues continue.  The gas company is still doing things outside.  We're watching to make sure they don't mess up our lines.   There's a sewer line where they want to dig.  It's old & prone to break.  We don't have the funds to fix it.  The people doing the work are contractors hired by the gas company.  If something goes wrong, the contractors & gas company will point fingers at each other.  We'd probably have to pay for the fix ourselves.  Not to mention be without water for who knows how long.

We were supposed to take the van into the shop today.  They called last night & had to reschedule.  The mechanic who was going to do the work won't be in until next week.  So now the fix begins a week later.  

Everything keeps getting drug out.   When something does finally wind up, there's whole damn Pez dispenser of issues waiting to replace them.   This is exhausting & frustrating.  Add to all of this, it's a holiday week & that screws up everything even more.


Monday, November 21, 2022

And Again...


I thought I could get by with a decent morning.  I was  wrong.  The gas company is out there messing with things.  We thought this was settled, but we won't know until they're gone.  I didn't need more crap.  I don't need them messing with the house's gas lines.  They're fine & rather newish.  I need to go shopping, but I'm not sure I trust them enough to not fuck shit up.  Tomorrow, we deal with the van & my roomie is supposed to have a friend over.  Then it's the holidays.  I don't need more on my plate.  I hate waking up, there's almost always something crappy lurking.


Sunday, November 20, 2022

Trying To More...


There isn't much going on & the articles were absent again.  It's still cold.  The van is still an issue.  I've not been feeling the best.   I can't do much about most of that.  I am trying to make myself get more sleep.  It isn't easy.  I've gotten some more the last couple of nights.  Maybe I can keep this up & get some energy back.  Might not work, but it's the plan I've got at the moment.  

Having some TV endings this week.  The Great British Baking Show, Annika & Magpie Murders all close out this weekend.  We'll have to find something else to watch.

That's all for now.   It's supposed to warm up a little this week.  Take care.


Saturday, November 19, 2022

More Van Issues...


So much for any plans I had to make my day a little easier.  The van decided to pitch a fit & nearly stranded me on the road.  They can't see it until Wednesday, right before the holiday.  We'll drop it off Tuesday night.  It may be Friday before we know anything.  I just hope the issue is findable, fixable & affordable.   

Until then, the best I can do is try to recover from the stress of the situation .  I didn't need this.  I slept a lot last night & I'm still exhausted.   This is part of why I hate the dark of the year.  There's always a good chance if something screws up, it'll be freezing & near a holiday.  Fall & Winter bring me nothing & I'm already over the cold. 


Friday, November 18, 2022

Worn Out...


My health, the stress levels, the changing light levels; something or everything is wearing me down.  Lately, I've been seriously dragging.  It doesn't help that  everything keeps dumping more crap into my life & expecting more out of me.  I'm passed tired again.

Some people look at mornings as a promise.  To me, they are a promise.  It's another chance for life to screw something up.


Thursday, November 17, 2022

More Yuck...


Not in the best of moods this morning.  We mostly had our stuff together for the moment.  It was at least a sunny day.  Then something else stressful had to land in our laps.  It was just out of nowhere & so damn arbitrary.   It was handled badly by the initiators.  We think we have a plan, but it still sucked.

So much for ending November in relative peace.  2022 has sucked.  I'm tired of everything taking potshots this year.  

Mini-rants over, take care.


Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Sunny Wednesday...


After today, only 6 Wednesdays remain in 2022.  This has not been a pleasant time & I'm not sure when we'll get another nice year.   Those seem to be a thing of the past.  

At least it's a sunny day.   It's still cold, but at it's bright.  I've haven't seen many Winter birds yet.  They can lighten my mood sometimes when I watch them from my window.  It'd be nice to be a better place for a bit.  Maybe if that happened, I'd just worry about when it would end.

This whole thing is a ride I should've never rode.  But, I didn't buy the ticket.  I will always be be pro-choice.  Too many of us would've preferred not to have been on the ride in the 1st place.

At least it's sunny today.


Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Not So Soon...


It's been cold lately.  We didn't have to leave the taps dripping last night, but we will until at least Monday.  I guess the slightly warmer temps gave way to the surprise snow we had last night.  It came down fairly hard for a while, but it was also raining.  The rain & ground temps melted the snow almost instantly.  Still, it was cold & wet. 

That's it for now.  Take care.


Monday, November 14, 2022

Meh Morning...


I know some people love this time of year & think it's  the best.  Simply put, they're wrong.  This time of year is dismal, cold & off putting.  

We need to deal with shopping & that's about it.  There's a chance for wintry weather this afternoon.   Here's hoping we don't get any of it.  As far as I'm concerned, I'd tell you festivity has left the building, except I wasn't that festive to begin with.  

That's all for now.  Take care.
