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Sunday, December 11, 2022

Rough Dark...


I'm glad I didn't expect December to be a good month for me.  I would've been disappointed.  This month like the rest of the year, has been a string of stupids mishaps, demanding issues & the bothersome ideas of other people.  I keep trying to check them off the list, but some are resistant & new problems keep showing up.  

I'm not in full SAD mode yet, but the dark drear isn't helping me any.  Add to that the stress of nearly everything around me & I'm not doing well.  I've spent most of my live anxious & if given the option, I wouldn't repeat it.  There's never been much in my life worth salvaging & there's less every year.   

I don't want much out of life.  I'd just like to be able to wake up, go through my day & then go to bed without spending most of the day about to crumble from nerves, stress & health issues.  I know that's never going to happen.  I see my life as a perfect example as to why abortion should be readily available.  No one should be asked to live a life like this or worse.  People like this would've been better off never being, never going through all the trauma, ache & disappointment.

I'd could hope for better in 2023, but I know that won't come to pass.


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