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Sunday, December 25, 2022

Happy Holiday...


It's here & almost over.  This time of the year never lives up to the hype we've built for it.  Each year there seems to be less of the holiday season.  I only heard Christmas music in the stores a few times & mainly the last time I went shopping.  For better or worse, this season has changed in many ways & it's never going to be what many of us remember again.  I want to say that's sad, but maybe for some people it isn't. 

There only 6 days left in the year.  I normally try to have hopes for the new year, but I just don't see anything making that even remotely possible this time.  I just hope it doesn't get any worse.  2022 was just a rough year on this house.  We need a serious respite. 

That's all for now, may your day be bright & joyous. 


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