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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

An Error & 7 Days...


So far the van is working.  Here's hoping that's a thing that continues.  Yesterday wasn't easy on us, the weather & darkness is taking its toll.  I made an error last night when I decided to only leave 1 stove on overnight.  It got colder in the house than I expected.  Still trying to warm it back up a bit. 

Today marks a week since I last held Tinkerbell.  We talked to her a lot on her last day.  She wanted to held & comforted.  She could feel us, hear us & see us.  She was taking in her last moments with us.  I'm glad she went as peacefully as did, but I hate she had to go.  She is very missed.  The house is off without her.  Even the little cat who was an ass to Tink is weirded out without her.  I hope her journeys are glorious & loving.  There would've never been a good point or enough time with her, for her passing to have been easier on us.  She was & still is loved.  I guess she thought 10 years was long enough & went to meet Mother Alice passed 10 years go tomorrow.


PS - I'm over sad Winter moments & anniversaries.

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