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Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Goodbye Tinkerbell...


Our Tinkerbell is no longer with us.  She passed last  night.  We think she passed in her sleep.  She was 19,  she spent over half that as an outdoor cat.  She'd been neglected then abandoned by her original people.  We took her in almost 10 years ago.  She was our Christmas Cat & she left near the same time.   She stayed past Alice, Fluffy, Rhiannon & Rowan.  The only cat left is Millie.  So many cats have come & gone since we've been here, indoors & out.   I miss them.

I'm a little numb & irritated at the moment.  With her passing there's also the van issues, cold weather & the gas company mucking about.  I'm tired of the pile on.  We still have to take the van in & I need to pick up meds.  

This was the last shot of Rhiannon, near the last pic of Rowan.   Tinkerbell you will be missed.  I hope your next life is so much better than this time around.  May you always warm, safe & loved.   May cuddles, food & purrs be abundant.  You were loved.


PS - Please always been kind to strays & feral, no matter how many legs they may have.  No one asked to be a stray.  No asked to be unwanted.  If you can't be kind, at least do no harm.

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