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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Sunny Wednesday...


After today, only 6 Wednesdays remain in 2022.  This has not been a pleasant time & I'm not sure when we'll get another nice year.   Those seem to be a thing of the past.  

At least it's a sunny day.   It's still cold, but at it's bright.  I've haven't seen many Winter birds yet.  They can lighten my mood sometimes when I watch them from my window.  It'd be nice to be a better place for a bit.  Maybe if that happened, I'd just worry about when it would end.

This whole thing is a ride I should've never rode.  But, I didn't buy the ticket.  I will always be be pro-choice.  Too many of us would've preferred not to have been on the ride in the 1st place.

At least it's sunny today.


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