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Saturday, November 12, 2022

1st, Last & Ongoing...


Last night was the 1st time the kitchen stove was left on overnight.  It got chilly & there are no signs of a  warming out of the 40's for a week.  At least it's a sunny morning.

I had to jump the van again yesterday.  That lasted 14 days.  It'll be hard to tell what's going on with the cold setting in on the area.  If it keeps happening, either the battery is dying or there's something draining it.  Either way, it'll mean another trip to the mechanic.

There's an ongoing thing with the gas company.  They want to move the meter up against the house.  We don't want that. There other pipes in the way they want to go.  We have zip faith in their ability not to take out our water/sewer pipes.  Then they'd probably drop the entire fixing of the situation on us.  They seem happy with an alternative they offered.  They'll leave it where it is & just put some guards near it.   Funny, it's been in the spot for decades, now they're worried about the meter.

That's it for now.  Take care.


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