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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

And Again With It...


There is a constant flow of articles over how certain populations in this country are less apt to get HIV treatment.  These are usually based on gender, age & race/ethnicity.  These statements may be genuine & even accurate, but aiming the responsibility for this  phenomenon on the medical community is completely unjustified.  

Information regarding HIV/AIDS has been readily available in the US for decades.  If there is need for more outreach, that's a matter of public health & welfare.  It's not the job of most medical professionals to reach out to people, especially those who don't want contact.  That's for social workers, community leaders, case managers, etc...

I saw an article today about having more equity in HIV treatment.  Yes there should be equity.  If you're talking about matters of access due to location, disability or finances then by all means do what you can.  If you're talking about HIV stigma among certain groups of people, then that's another matter.  

Professionals have tried for decades to make inroads into various racial/ethnic communities.  Most often with limited success.  This is now a matter for those communities to handle.  It's fairly blatant that help from outside the community isn't trusted/wanted.  It will have to be an internal matter.  I'd rather medical professionals focus on people who actually want medical aide than chasing those who don't.


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