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Friday, July 23, 2021

Not Looking Forward...


My roomie is looking forward to a movie coming this Fall.  I used to do that a lot.  There are things I note the day of their arrival but I don't really have the anticipation I used to have.  I don't know if it's I'm just disconnected  from what's being produced or that I have so much dread of the way it will be handled.  For, whatever reason, I just don't get that excited for much these days.  

There have been several franchises & properties brought to screen that I should've loved.  However, the makers altered  these things so much I couldn't stand them.  Sometimes, it was to make the older property more palatable to modern sensibilities.   Others, the product was just cheap &/or bad.  Then you have those  makers that  just want to make their mark on a beloved icon.  Those people, well all the above, should be shot.  Those people should've just made something new & left the original alone.

There are covers, tributes & bastardizations.  Tributes are  just remakes clinging as close as possible to the original.  They're  sweet, but don't really need to  be produced.  They add nothing to the story.  Covers take the concept & add to it.  They further the work without sacrificing the original.  Unfortunately, these days bastardizations by egotistical, needy little  cretins seem to be the most common.  Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a good example.

These people have made me dread when something I used to love is being remade.  I despise most of the cartoon remakes of my favorites that  have happened in the last 5 years.  I've hated movies they've altered from the original just to make a better sale.  I have no connection to these newer pieces.  Then they insult people by telling us to just get over it & that these things weren't made for people like me.  Some of these things are the only reason I'm still here & I hate everyone who helped  take them from me.  May that which they love be corrupted for the entertainment of others.

I still find things I like & they are nice little gifts.  They surprised me.  But I don't wait in anticipation of things anymore.  I  think that may gone for me.  For that, I'm angry & sad.  Some movies & shows I loved so much that they got me through my hard times have been to the point I can't even look at them.  I wish these people nothing but utter rot.  Rot of  everything in their lives, especially that which they held dearest.

Rant's over, take care.  I hope you still  have  things  to look forward to.


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