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Tuesday, July 27, 2021



I had an uncle who lived in Orlando.  When I was younger, I loved going there.  Florida was so different than Oklahoma.  It  had beaches, places to see wildlife we didn't have & of course Disney World.  I loved that  place  as a kid.   I don't know if I was too young to see the real Florida or if the state  did a hateful pivot when I got older.  Now they're like an angrier, more billegerant Oklahoma turned up to 11.  

They have Oklahoma's worst traits amplified; bad weather, humidity,  hateful republicans, angry religious people, backwards policies, etc...  The beaches have  gone to seed due  to  pollution & climate change.  The theme parks are too expensive.  I'm over my fascination with their wildlife.  It may be the worst state to be HIV+.  It's among the worse for COVID.  It's probably all going to be underwater  in 20 years.

Radically, conservative christians & republicans have slaughtered the dream of Florida.  Then replaced it with a nightmare reality.  Every radical republican & religious nut should be forced to march them & never leave.  It's no surprise hateful politicians, TV slobs & rappers love the place.

Sometimes I wish Disney was wrong & it wasn't a small world.  I'd really like more space between those people & myself.  Take care.


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