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Friday, July 9, 2021

Late Presenting...


This piece deals with late presenting HIV.  There are a lot of articles over this.  If you're interested Google it.  I was late presenting & for whatever reason a lot  people have been HIV+ for quite a while before their diagnosis.  This can alter treatments & recovery.  It took me a decade to have  a CD4 count not in the 200's.  It was another 5 years before I had a count over 400.  Now, it stays near upper 500's to 600's. 

Even though they feel my HIV is under control. I never  feel that well.  I'm  usually at some level of exhaustion or  fatigue.  I constantly  deal with issues from the meds, usually GI problems.  Early diagnosis & treatment, may have meant a more normal life for me.  The same is true for anyone else diagnosed late.

Testing is important.   It  should be  done often.  You can't treat what you don't know.  


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