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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

A Little Strange...

Starting over can always be weird with anything.  You're not sure if what things will be like this time around.    I can get this way about anything from places I used to  go, TV shows I watched last season, places I eat, etc...  My roomie had guests over yesterday & it's 1 of the few times she's been around more than 1 other person at a time.  It was probably strange & a bit tense.  Luckily, the visit seemed to have gone well.  Thanks for for the social weirdness COVID.  

Speaking of, our numbers were going down.  We were under a 1,000 cases.  Now, due to variants, vaccine refusers & idiots; numbers are rising.  We're over 2,000 cases.  Line those damn asshats up  & jab'em.   I'm tired of worrying about COVID.

That's all for now, take care.


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